Chapter 6

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  Weeks have changed into months as it went on as the two, Poseidon and Medusa, were happily married and living in the Temple of Poseidon. Surprisingly to know, Medusa was still celibate during her marriage with Poseidon for a few months. Medusa had constantly told Poseidon that she wanted to save it for a special day. That morning, Medusa had to run some errands around town. Firstly, Medusa wanted to go see how Athena was doing. As she was about to open the doors of the Temple of Athena, she began hearing screaming inside. Medusa immediately stopped and looked inside from one of the openings from outside. There she saw Athena angry screaming out her father's name. "Zeus, how you're a disgrace to me; how could you be my father? How could I be your daughter, your own flesh and blood?" Medusa noticed that Athena had problems with her father that she couldn't solve right away. As Athena was done throwing her furious rage out on the furniture in the temple, Athena sought down on the floor and began crying. Medusa left the Temple of Athena leaving Athena alone in the temple crying about the hatred between her and her father. Medusa was in the forest picking roses for a few of Poseidon's children. "Oh sweet delightful roses, what would I do without you in my laugh?" Medusa questioned laughing. As Medusa was picking more roses than she could carry, there was someone heard behind her. "Who dares to follow me with suspicion?" Medusa asked the unknown. The unknown continued to be silent. Medusa continued to ask the unknown who was silent for the whole time. The bushes behind the trees began to shake as Medusa became more suspicious. Medusa ran away from the forest as quickly as possible. As she was running, two mutant dogs began running after her. Her heart was beating so fast, she didn't know what to do. As she looked back, the mutant dogs were gone. Medusa immediately falls off a cliff as she turns around. There she went, Medusa crashed into the ocean of no return. Medusa weak stomach couldn't take the water anymore, so she began screaming for her life. As Medusa was calming down, she sees a big ship coming towards her. Medusa's panic rate began to increase. "Please stop!" Medusa began commanding. The ship immediately stops. A long rope begins to drop down from the ship into the water. "Any mortals down there; you can come up." A man from the ship says. Medusa began climbing every inch of the rope. As she was getting closer to the top, she felt weaker every time. Medusa finally makes it to the top of the ship seeing all types of men on there. "Where is this beauty from if I may ask?" a man from the ship asks. "I'm Medusa," Medusa explained, "a priestess from Attica. Could you take me back?" The captain of the ship looked at Medusa and said, "Sure my lady, we would love to take you back to Attica." Medusa was relieved that the men on the ship weren't murderers picking up random mortals trying to kill them and feed them to immortals. There Medusa was, surrounded by numerous sailors that she had no idea who they were. There were sailors that were drunk on the ship. That same minute, Medusa witnessed a fight escalated with one of the sailors. Through the thick mist and fog, the sailors made it to Attica. "Welcome to Attica my lady." The captain says to Medusa. Medusa's face lit up as soon as she saw Attic from a far distance. "What a beautiful place." One of the men on the ship said. The movement of the ship finally stopped as the let Medusa off. All of the townspeople surrounded the ship to see what was going on. Poseidon then arrives from his temple to see what was happening outside. "What is the meaning of this situation?" Poseidon demanded. "Sorry," the captain said, "We picked this fine beauty up from the ocean and brought her back here." Poseidon didn't believe one word the captain was saying. "Are you lying to me?" Poseidon questioned. "Did you touch this pure beauty that is my wife?" "We did no such thing sir!" The captain replied to Poseidon. Medusa demanded the captain and his sailors to leave immediately. Medusa didn't want anything to happen to the captain or the sailors; she was uncertain what Poseidon was capable of. The captain and the sailors left Attica immediately. Medusa took a deep breath in relief that none of the men on the ship was harmed by Poseidon. "They're not leaving without a fight." Poseidon says out of anger. "What have I done?" Medusa whispers to herself. Poseidon began walking towards the ocean until he was no longer seen. All of the townspeople began looking for Poseidon, but couldn't find him. One brave young man decided to go in the ocean to look for Poseidon. As he's in the ocean, the ocean began to shake with him in it. Everyone was afraid what was going to happen next. The brave man hurriedly ran out of the ocean cowardly. His family surrounded him making sure he was alright. Coming out of the ocean was a gigantic head. After the head, there came the shoulders. "It's Poseidon!" One of the townspeople said. This was Medusa's first time seeing Poseidon in his holy being form. "What have I married?" Medusa began questioning to herself. The now giant Poseidon began walking towards the ship that was leaving Attica. Medusa was so afraid for the sailors' fate upon the ship. Medusa began lying down on the ground praying for all of the sailors on the ship. The giant Poseidon frightened them all. Medusa could here all of the sailors screaming for their lives. Far from a distance, Medusa could see Poseidon picking up the captain from the ship and swallowing him whole. All of the townspeople could take any more of the horror that Poseidon was doing to the sailors. Everyone began running place to place trying to find shelter. As Medusa was finished praying, the screaming and all of the shouting stopped; no one was present. Medusa looked up and the ship and including Poseidon was gone. As Medusa turned the opposite direction, Poseidon was there behind her waiting for her to go back to the temple with him. Medusa was so frightened by Poseidon. She noticed the captain and the sailors' blood all over his mouth. Medusa walked away and said, "Clean up this dirty mess Poseidon."

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