Chapter 5

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  Tonight was the night Medusa performed the play with her playing the sinful mother with three sinful little girls. As her performance was over, everyone began cheering for her. During the show, everyone was drinking wine and eating grapes served with bread. "I hope you all have a good feast." Medusa said to the audience. Far from a distance, Medusa could see her two sisters watching her. Medusa began walking through the irritating green grass to the location of her sisters. "Why are you here? You aren't welcomed here anymore." "You think you're perfect then us now?" Euryale asked. "We are still your sisters. Our blood runs in each and every one of us. Don't think you're perfect than the both of us, because that can change on you really quick." Stheno informed Medusa. "Don't bring all of this bad luck on m," Medusa said, "Don't bring me down with your hatefulness and all of your harm you've done to people! You are punished by Athena for your sins!" "I guess we're not your sisters anymore." Euryale explains to Medusa walking away from the village. Stheno walks up to Medusa and says, "Don't think you're all high and mighty just because you hang around Hercules sister. She did this to us and she can do it to you." Stheno and Euryale leave the upset Medusa alone to think about what just happened. Tears began to run slowly down Medusa's face. As Medusa turns around the opposite direction to leave, she bumps into Poseidon. "Oh," Medusa tried to explain to Poseidon, "sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." As Medusa was about to leave Poseidon's presence, Poseidon had stopped her for doing so. "You're Medusa, The beautiful, spiritual woman that every man is dying their lives for?" Medusa began smiling and replied, "No one dies for me, but the people that I love." "Do you love me?" Poseidon asked the upset Medusa. Medusa wiped more tears from her eyes and said, "Why would an immortal love a mortal, it's nonexistent." "Foolishness," Poseidon continued, "I may love whoever I please to love." Medusa begins to laugh and walk away. Poseidon then chases after her. "Would you love me back maiden?" Poseidon asked Medusa. "Stop," Medusa said, "Show your true form. Stop posing as the size of a mortal. Gods and Goddesses aren't the usual size as a mortal; they are much greater and powerful." Poseidon begins to laugh and continued to say, "You would mostly be afraid of our regular size. We mostly use the mortal form so that we would not scare all the townspeople away." "We'll I'm not afraid." As Medusa was walking home, Poseidon followed her as well. As Medusa got into her little boat, she swims away leaving Poseidon stranded thinking of a way to come across. Poseidon immediately walked in the ocean to follow Medusa home. As Medusa arrived, she went inside the cave to change immediately. Poseidon finally arrives, but wet. "Do you need to dry off?" Medusa asked Poseidon. "No need," Poseidon said, "I don't mind anymore." Poseidon began looking around the cave and said, "In a cave is where you stay?" Medusa shook her head as a reply. "Well," Poseidon continued, "if you were married, you would be staying with a God in a temple." Medusa began to spit her water out that she was drinking from the ocean. "What is the Poseidon trying to inform me?" Medusa asked. Poseidon walked even closer to Medusa touching her face softly saying, "Beautiful from the unknown, I'm trying to say, would you love to become married to the God of Sea?" As Medusa got lost into Poseidon's eyes, she couldn't say nothing else; she even forgot about the fact the Poseidon was the reason Sirosin was dead. "Golden hair feels just like powder from a female's face. Oh how your golden eyes brighten my face." Poseidon went on trying to impress Medusa. As Medusa began looking into Poseidon's eyes, she could see the oceans moving every single second which made her gaze in them even more. "Oh your eyes Poseidon, they're the ocean's beauty." Medusa said to Poseidon. "So," Poseidon continued, "would this golden beauty from the sun take me as your lover?" Medusa took deep breath and said slowly, "Yes Poseidon, I would be delighted to be your lover for the rest of our lifetimes."

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