Chapter 9

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  Later on that night, Medusa was sleeping on the ground inside the cave all alone, cold, nowhere to go. Noise began entering inside the cave where Medusa was sleeping in pain. Medusa quickly woke up from the noise, because she knew it were her sisters. She could tell be the hissing snakes from far away. Stheno and Euryale could see Medusa in a lot of pain. "Who had done wrong to our only brightly sweet sister?" Stheno questioned in a rage. "I would rather not say." Medusa said in a lot of pain. "Look at you Medusa," Euryale continued, "you are hurt. Someone had to do this to you. Tell us, we'll make them pay." Medusa got up from the ground and starred at the dark sky outside and said, "If you would do something about it, you won't be able to defeat them. They are not any mortal like me; they're more powerful than me. Immortals can't die like us mortals." Euryale finds out the truth and says, "It was Poseidon, wasn't it?" Stheno looks in rage walking away from the cave saying, "They can't die like mortals, but immortals can turn into stone like mortals." Both Stheno and Euryale leave Medusa alone in the cave to heal while they go deal with Poseidon themselves. Meanwhile back in Attica, everyone has having a fun feast outside during the night with Poseidon. Athena was seen there looking at Poseidon furiously. "Poseidon," Athena asked, "where you ever in my temple anytime today?" Poseidon looked at Athena with suspicion and answers, "No, I was doing errands all day. Gods and goddesses are busy all the time. Aren't you?" As Poseidon was laughing at his statement, no smile cracked upon Athena's face. As they were enjoying a wonderful feast, a group of townspeople began running as far away as possible. Both Poseidon and Athena rose up to see what the problem was. "Darkness has returned, darkness has returned." Numerous of townspeople kept screaming. Coming from a fog was the Gorgons, Stheno and Euryale. Athena looked surprised and said, "What are they doing upon our lands?" "Poseidon," Euryale said in a furious manner, "you will pay for what you've done to my sister." "Look at us you pathetic coward!" Stheno added on. Poseidon made no reply. Because of Poseidon not replying, Euryale and Stheno both turned two townspeople into stone. In complete rage, Poseidon caused and earthquake in Attica which startled the Gorgons. "Now you listen to me you Gorgons," Poseidon says to the two without looking at them, "you should leave now, while your sister is still alive." The Gorgons completely understood that Poseidon was threatening to kill Medusa if they didn't stop with their ongoing rage that night. The Gorgons immediately left the town quietly leaving everyone but the deities in fear. The next morning, Medusa began washing up in the ocean near her cave where she now lives once again. As she was done bathing herself in the ocean, she got out to put on her robe and look for some more fruits in the Garden of Fruit. While in the garden of Fruit, Medusa began singing an old song that soothed her down when she was going through something that traumatized her. Footsteps were heard as Medusa was still picking fruits from the garden. The footsteps finally stopped and Medusa finally turned around to see who it was. "Athena," Medusa said shockingly, "what are you doing here." Athena said smiling, "Nothing darling, just here to visit my favorite priestess. I heard you are going through something with Poseidon." Medusa rubbed her face terribly saying, "I really don't want to talk about it." Athena stopped her from talking before she could say anymore, "Don't worry my golden dove, I have something for you. Here is something that you could drink that will help calm the nerves and the system of a female. This will help you relax, I promise my darling." Medusa took a deep breath and drunk the weird looking liquid that Athena assisted that she should drink. As Medusa began drinking, her stomach began to form some kind of way from the inside. Athena began smiling evilly. "I've seen you two inside my temple making love. That is not lady like and how dare you do it in my home?" Medusa began chocking which couldn't stop. "Don't worry," Athena says, "hopefully it kills you." Medusa drops her wooden basket of fruits and swam away from the Garden of Fruit. A few days later, it was one gloomy night with no sounds being heard. The cave was darker than it was ever before. Dreadful crying was being heard far from a distance. No human being was seen inside the cave. There was someone by the ocean talking to their self. "I asked to die like my fiancé and friend, but I got nothing of that. I asked to burn in the underworld by Hades, but I got nothing of that. I asked nothing of what I got know. I hate the feeling of the cold blood pumping inside my heart. My milky skin is now scaly green. My golden eyes are now red. My beautiful face is not as beautiful as it used to be. My perfect golden hair is all gone." Medusa looked at her reflection in the ocean and continued by saying, "Look at me, no beauty spot on me never again. I am what my sisters are, hideous and disgust. My heart is not the same as it used to be. My red eyes feed for mercy and death among towns, gods, and goddesses. I have no heart of gold anymore; I have a heart of stone now." As Medusa looked at her eyes in the reflection, she began saying, "My eyes isn't of gold anymore, my eyes are of stone..."

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