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When I wake that evening I realize how hungry I am. I haven't eaten in at all since yesterday's lunch. When I get up, I check my cabinets confirming that they are bare. I sigh. I know I have to go back to the store. I am definitely taking the elevator.

I enter the store and wander around trying to find the snack aisle. I'll buy real food later. I jump as someone pokes my side, and spin around. I'm met with a laughing Jimin. I glare at him. He calms down and manages to ask me what I'm looking for.

"Snacks." He grabs my wrist.

"Right this way." He leads me through a maze of isles until finally, we reach the right aisle. I reach for my favorite chips on the top shelf but I'm too short to reach it. Jimin pushes past me to get it instead. Until he realizes he's actually shorter than I am. I laugh as he jumps to reach it. On the third try, he gets down the bag and hands it to me.

I chuckle. Since when did I laugh anymore? He blushes darkly and leads me to the checkout. He rings it up.

"Your total is $3.13." I hand him a five dollar bill. He hands me a bag with my chips and attempts to give me my change.

"Keep it." He frowns but doesn't try to hand it to me again.

I open my front door and walk to the kitchen. I get the chips and prepare to feast when I notice a sticky note on it.

*** *** **** ~ Jimin
I shake my head. That kid is... weird. Slightly weird but nice. I get out my phone and enter his number.

Jimin p.o.v.
I can't believe I did that. He doesn't even know me! Why in the world would he want my number? I sighed walking out of the store, my shift had finally ended. I walked around the corner and started climbing the steps to my door when my phone vibrated. I whipped it out so fast I almost dropped it. I broke out into a grin.

Yoongi p.o.v.

I texted him a simple hey. I was expecting to wait but the response was almost instant.

Yoongi: hey

Jimin: hey... so you found the note?

Yoongi: yeah

Jimin: thx for not ignoring me

Yoongi: why would I?

Jimin: well that's what everyone else does I guess

Yoongi: Well... your welcome I guess

I shook my head not believing this kid. How could people ignore him? He's kind (and persistent). He's probably got a nice family and a girlfriend.

Jimin: random question of the day... do you like coffee?

Yoongi: its okay

Jimin: would you like to get some tomorrow?

I dropped my phone into my lap. Okay, so what? He wants to be friends. I took a deep breath and picked my phone back up.

Yoongi: when?

Jimin: 11?

Yoongi: ...why not?


Yoongi: okay well... I'm going to sleep now

Jimin: ok? bye

I turn off my phone after rereading our awkward conversation. I open the bag and dig in. My mouth is literally on fire, and when I look at the bag I realize why. I got the extra spicy kind. I pour myself a cup of milk and sip on it wondering what I am getting myself into. I put my earbuds in and put my playlist on shuffle.

I decided to try and work on some music, since I am up and about.

I don't get far, and soon decide to lay down again. I shoot Jimin a quick text.

Yoongi: gn

Jimin: its 3 am

I hadn't realized how late it had gotten.

Yoongi: did I wake you?

Jimin: ...

Jimin: no

Yoongi: sorry

Jimin: good night yoongs

Yoongi: good night?

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