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I heard my phone ringing, but I just let it go to voicemail still slightly embarrassed about being so dumb as to do that.

you should of stayed home idiot.

I stand up walking to the bathroom. I turn on the water, and let it run. I walk back out into my room and check my phone. I have six messages, and a voicemail. I read through the texts slowly.

Jimin: hey

Jimin: Are you there?

Jimin: can we talk?

Jimin: I'm sorry about earlier.

Jimin: You left your jacket

Jimin: I'll bring it over later

I drop my phone onto the bed and walk back to the bathroom, stripping down on the way.

I wash up, and then just stand under the cold spray watching the suds wash down the drain. I sigh, wishing I hadn't taken off my jacket. I was enjoying myself up to that point.

I've just got my pants on when I hear a knock on the door. I open it and find Jimin, holding my beat up hoodie in his hands.

"Ahh! Yoongi hyung!" he covers his eyes. "You're not wearing a shirt."

    I just glare at him. I thought he was kidding when he said he'd bring my jacket over. I take it from him.

"Thank you for returning my jacket."

I try to shut my door, but he puts his foot is in the way. "But I want to talk." I pause, then let him in. "Sit down, while I get dressed." he does as he was told and I head to my room to grab a shirt. I walk back out to see him playing with the hem of his shirt looking out of place. I sit on the floor in front of him.

"What do you want?" I rub my face tired of this. He shrugs, but then seems to change his mind halfway through.

"Do you trust me?" I was about to say no, but when I saw the look on his face, I nodded.


"Why?" I had to think about that one.

"Because...... you are kind to me when you shouldn't be." He nods, as if he agreed. I sigh, amazed that he was still here. What was up with me and guys like him. One relationship after another, except I won't let this one get that far. They were always happy and I ruined them while they tried to fix me.

"Why are you here Jimin?"

"I was worried when you didn't text back. I thought..."

"I was in the shower." half true. "What? Thought I had gone and offed myself?"

He winced and looked - even more - uncomfortable.

"Sorry. The only filter I believe I should have is for coffee and cigarettes."

"You smoke?"  I took a moment to wonder about his IQ level before answering.

"Why else do you buy lighters at 1 in the morning?" He stares at my shoes and shrugs. I sigh and sit next to him.

"I'm sorry for ditching you. I really am." He still won't meet my eyes. You screwed up. He hates you now. You. Are. Worthless.

I scoot away from him and try not to cry. What a little bitch you are.

Jimin stands up and walks to the door.


He looks back at me for a second, startled.

I can feel what little resolve I have left crumble and I start sobbing.

He rushes over to me and takes me into his arms, and secrets start to pour out.

The worst demons, however, remain in the dark, scared of the light this young angel brought.

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