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I wake up in a panic. I jump up and get tangled in my blanket, falling over. I eventually get myself free and run to the front door. My mom's car. It's there. I run to my mom's room to wake her up, only to find her already awake. She's clutching her phone and shaking. When she sees me her eyes tear up. "Oh Jimin."
I shake my head.

"Yoongi. He's in the hospital again."


"He tried to overdose yesterday and he is still feeling the after-effects."

How do you breathe?

"He said he wanted to see you but they won't let him leave."

The world seems to tilt.


And the ground rushes towards me.


Bright light stabs my eyes and when I open them I find myself staring up at my mom. She helps me up. I stare at her back as she retreats to her room while thinking about what she told me. I feel queasy. My knuckles crack against the wall and I fight back tears. "God damn it! Yoongi...selfish bastard." I grab my moms keys and head to the hospital, trying not to swerve when tears cloud my vision. I pull into the parking lot and head inside, practically running up to the front desk. "what room in Min Yoongi in?"
She looks over my crazed appearance, then looks at her monitor.
"thanks," I say over my shoulder, already waking to the elevators.


I knock on the door and walk in to find Yoongi laying on the bed staring up at the ceiling.
"I'm sorry Jimin. I thought....well I thought I was better. I'm not." he chuckles weakly. "I...sorry." I walk over to his bedside. And punch him in the arm. "Did it ever cross your mind. That maybe you weren't the only one who wasn't okay? That maybe I needed you?" a guilty look crosses his face and he stares at me. He stands up and walks over to me, and throws his arms around me. "I love you." is all he says before crying into my shoulder.

"I love you too."

• • •

My mom walked into the room and brushed back my hair. "You're going to do great things Yoongi. I just know it." She kisses my forehead before limping out of my room. Strong and beautiful even when beat down by others.

I'll make you proud mom

I promise

• • •

the end

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