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I rushed along the empty streets looking around frantically. I imagine this is what Jimin felt like looking for me. Panic propelled me forward as I hoped to run into him. I couldn't bear to lose him; to lose anyone else.

   I stepped inside his room, walking towards his bed. He was laying there tears flowing down his cheeks. I laid behind him wrapping my arms around him. He turned his body in my direction and snuggled against my chest. He opened his eyes and I saw how dilated his pupils were, even though its dark in his room. I knew what was happening, but I didn't say anything. He smiled at me as he closed his eyes again. "I'm glad you came," He whispered. I frowned. "Well....I couldn't just ignore your texts." He nodded. I could hear his shallow breathing. I put my ear against his chest and listened. It was a sad sound, a struggling one. I pulled him closer, clutching him to my chest and holding back tears of my own. He whispers again. "Don't tell. Until its over. Okay?" "Okay." My voice cracks at the end.

I ran all the way to his mom's house. When I got there I banged on the door until she opened it. "Oh! He found you!" She began looking behind me for her son. I shook my head. "I thought he might be here."

"Have you tried calling him?" She nodded her head. "He didn't answer.Have you?" "They took my phone at the hospital.....and I kind of left in a rush." "The hospital?!?"

   I heard it when it stopped. One last pathetic thump, then silence. I brush hair out of his face and kiss his forehead. I quickly back away and shiver. Just a corpse now. I head to his bathroom and take a look inside, knowing what I would find before even opening the door. Pill and alcohol bottles litter the counter space, along with a small scrap of paper. I picked it up.

She drove us around town as I called his name out of the window until I was hoarse.

And all it said was:

*I'm sorry ♡

Save MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang