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Tears fall silently onto my cheeks.

I shoot a look over my shoulder to  Jimin, as I drag my feet walking over to my father.

"Yes?" I ask hesitantly. He looks pointedly at the door, and I scramble to unlock it for him. He opens the door and walks in. I follow. My father turns and looks at Jimin, who was hovering in the door frame. I try to motion for him to leave, but he ignores me.

"Who are you?" my father asks him.

"A friend of your son." My father turns to look at me. "Are you going to invite him in?" I sigh. "Of course, Jimin come in and meet my... dad." he steps inside shutting the door behind him. Jimin bows and says,

"Very nice to meet you Mr.Min." he nods.

"And your name is?"


The polite chitchat continued like this until finally, my dad decided he should be going. "I must get home now, I shall be visiting again soon."

It sounded like a threat.

As soon as the door shut behind my dad, I collapsed into my chair. The relief I was hoping to feel after he left never came though, because he already promised to come back. What if Jimin hadn't been here? I shiver at the thought, suddenly glad he hadn't listened when I told him to go.

Jimin walks over to me and pats me on the back. "It's nice that your father comes and visits you." I laugh humorlessly and shake off his arm. "It was only nice because you were here." He looks confused. I can tell he wants to know why but doesn't want to seem nosy. I sigh.

"Because he doesn't want to lose face. For all he knows you could be a reporter. That's why."

Jimin kind of just stares at me. "Oh."

I relive the sound of his boots hitting the wooden floor, as he walks up to my room. He opens my door tosses something onto my floor. I don't have to look to know what it is. "What did I say about smoking in my house!" He kicks the empty cigarette carton at me. I stare at the floor not answering. His knuckles connect with my cheekbone. I stagger, clutching my dresser to keep from falling over.

"What kind of son are you! Always dissatisfied with what I do for you!" I turn to him eyes burning

"What kind of father are you! Always dissatisfied with everything!" I yell at him. Another blow, this time to the stomach, knocking the breath out of me. I double over.

I wake up laying beside Jimin. I can feel the tears on my cheeks and I quickly wipe them away. I look over at Jimin, still sleeping peacefully, looking like the angel he is.

I lay like that for awhile, just staring at him as all my memories swirl around my head like a fog.  I was so caught up in them, that it takes me awhile to realize Jimin is awake.

"Good morning." I murmur. He pats my cheek.

"Good morning." he smiles his beautiful smile, and I can feel myself smiling back. I stretch and sit up. I feel Jimin sit up beside me.

"Guess what?" He asks eagerly.

"What?" he grins wider.

  "Today's Saturday." I nod.

  "Which means I don't work today." I nod again. He looks at me as if I'm missing something obvious. "Which means...?" I think.

  "Which means....your going home?" his smile disappears.

  "I guess if you want me to." he starts to stand up, but I grab his wrist and pull him back down onto the bed.

"That's not what I meant." He doesn't
look completely convinced.

  "You don't have to lie, I understand if you don't want me around all the time."  I shake my head.


"What?" I look at him.

"What it being Saturday mean?" A ghost of a smile hints at his lips.

"It means that we can go out and do whatever! If you want to that is." I act like I am deliberating whether to go or not until I notice Jimin is close to panicking. I slap his arm. "Of course! What kind of question is that."

We eventually decide ice cream is the way to go. We enter a cute little ice cream parlor. I order Strawberry, and he gets Mint chocolate chip. We sit down and start eating. Jimin is talking about some dance routines he had been working on, as I stare out the window watching the leaves flutter in the wind. It reminds me of my hands. I clench them tighter in my lap.

Jimin pokes my cheek. "Did you hear me?"  I looked at him.

"Um... you were telling me about your dance routine?" He glares at me.

"No, I was saying I would like you to meet mom." I choked on my ice cream, something I didn't know was possible.

"You do?" he nods.

"Yeah, I think she would like to meet you." I sit there in disbelief. This had happened before...I told myself not again.

since when do you keep promises?

"I'm not sure that's a good idea."
Jimin looks crestfallen.

"Why not?"

"Because..." But I can't bring myself to disappoint him. "Because I have nothing to wear." Jimin laughs.

"Don't worry, she won't care." I smile at him, but on the inside, I know it's going to hurt.

Even the purest white can be dimmed if it gets too close to tainted things

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