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"You fine now?" He nodded. I got of of his back and he turned over. Getting on his phone, I stayed on my knees, observing him. I noticed he had a few tattoos, not many. His lips were really big.

So was his nose. He looked at me. "See, there you go again. Staring me down." I shook my head. "I was taking a good look at you." I traced the tattoo's on his arm. "What's DC?"

     "Me and my boys." I folded my lips in. "Who would that be?"

     "Me, Omelly, Tak, Deen. Its a few more but they not really down like us." He said. "Down for what?" He shrugged. "Living. Actually having a good life. Like you said, they want a Walmart job and a family."

     I nodded. "I wanna be a DC or whatever." He rolled his eyes. "One day." I smiled. "I hate when you do that."

     "What?" He asked. "You be like 'for now' or 'one day'." He chuckled. "I mean, I can't help that. I don't have specific dates for stuff like that to happen." I bit my lip, getting off the bed. "I'm going downstairs real quick." I said. He nodded. "Aight."

     Going out the room, I closed the door. I went downstairs to get something to eat. I grabbed a big bag of Doritos and went back upstairs.

     "I'm back." He looked over. "I know. I got ears. I heard the door open." I smacked my teeth, closing the door. "Don't get smart lil boy." I sat on the bed, turning the tv on.

     "What you want to watch?" I turned around to ask. "I don't care. Netflix?" I rolled my eyes. "You not slick. This ain't Netflix and chill." He laughed. "I ain't mean it like that." I turned back around, turning to Netflix.

     "Orange is the New Black?" I asked. "Yeah, that's fine." I nodded, putting it on and going towards the headboard of my bed. Sitting my back on it, I bought my knees up to my chest and started watching.
Next Morning

I opened my eyes to Meek in front of me and jumped a little at the fact that he was still here. I remembered that I fell asleep when we were watching tv. Trying not to wake him up, I got out of bed and went into my bathroom connected to my room.

Getting myself together and brushing my teeth, I took a shower and put on some clothes. As I was walking back into my room, he was waking up. I stood over him as he sat up. "Good morning." He rubbed his hand over his face and yawned.

"Morning." He said. "Go home. Your mom probably wants to know where you were." He shrugged. "She'll be fine." He trued to go back to sleep. I shook my head. "Nope, go home." I took the sheets off of him. "Nic, stop." I rolled my eyes. "At least call and tell her." He smacked his teeth.

Dialing her number on his phone, she answered. "Hello?"

"Yeah, I fell asleep at a friend's house. I'll be home in a few." He said in a raspy voice. I licked my lips, getting wet. "Alright, just be here by four. We're going to your Uncle's cookout at 5:00."

"Okay." He said. I leaned onto the wall by my bed. "Bye." He hung up and looked at me. "Happy?" I nodded. "Very." I went to lay down on the other side. I stared into his eyes, he stared into mine. I smiled, rubbing my thumb over his lips and nose.

     "You checked Facebook, YouTube?" I shook my head, grabbing my phone. "It died down. They haven't gone up much since last night." He nodded. "When we making another one?"

     "When I have time." He nodded. "I have work at 11." I said. "When you get off?"

     "7:00. You picking me up?" He licked his lips. "Yeah, I can." I played with his hand. "Thanks."

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