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I sat there in the boiling hot classroom. Trying desperately to finish writhing down the note on the board before the bell rang. My writing had become a complete mess, and I knew that I was coming to struggle re reading it, but I just had to finish it.

The bell rang and I gave up. I had only a few sentences left but it was no use. I grabbed by binders and bag and stood up from the desk. It was now May and the end of the school year was fast approaching , stressing me out to the max. I had already applied to three universities, and hadn't heard back from any of them yet, and I was still struggling to finish grade 12.

I walked down the crowed hall, making me even more warm and bothered than I was to began with, my school has so called "air conditioning", but it sure as hell doesn't feel like it.

Once I pushed my way through a group of ninth graders and to my locker, I felt a pair of cold hand grip my hips from behind. I turned around to see Connor, a smile forming on his face.

"Hey, you" I greeted him, as he now positioned himself against the locker next to mine. He leaned in for a quick kiss. His lips tasted of Chapstick, and I couldn't help but laugh at my observation.

He pulled away, and I got a good look at him. His face was all red and flushed as always, and he looked as though he hadn't shaved in awhile, but it was hard to tell as he struggled with growing facial hair.

"So, I have a huge math test tomorrow and I basically have no clue what it's on" Connor said as he shoved his hands into his shorts pockets as he scanned the crowded halls.

"I have an essay and a paper due tomorrow" I responded with a laugh. "Come on over tonight and we can study together, and I'll try to help you with math." I gave him a smile before bending down to throw my hair in a ponytail, this heat was too much too bare.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Well only if you want too" I responded while coming back to an upright position.

"Okay babe". He leaned forward to plant a kiss on my cheek. "Meet me in the parking lot after school, okay?"

I closed my locker to make eye contact with him, "okay" I said happily, before watching Connor hurry down the hall for the last class of the day.

The day dragged on and the last period class that's an hour and 15 minutes felt like forever. My chemistry techer talked the whole class about things that arnt even relevant, and I began to get frustrated considering I could have used that time to do something useful.

The bell rang and I breathed a sigh of realif. I headed back down the crowded halls and quickly stopped at my locker before heading towards the parking lot.

I opened the large school doors and was instantly blinded by the sunlight. I squinted to try and find Connors car, but it was parked in his usual spot by the large oak tree.

I swear I almost got hit by a car 5 times on that short 15 second walk I took to get to the car, teenagers driving is pretty scary, especially at this school.

I walked on over to the passenger side and hoped in the car. Connor was sitting with his sunglasses on scrolling through his phone. He looked over at me, locking his phone in the process.

"How was the rest of the day?" He asked, leaning in for another kiss.

"Long" I sighed out. "I'm ready to just go home".

He turned the keys and the air condidntioning came on blasting.

"That's where we're headed." He gave me a smirk before grabbing my left hand in his and holding it tightly as he pulled out of the parking lot.

Long Ago // Connor McDavidWhere stories live. Discover now