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Hey guys! Before we get into this chapter I just wanted to say I am SO sorry I have not updated in forever, I got a Macbook and when I went to sign into Wattpad I didn't know my password, & let me tell ya it was pretty difficult to reset haha. Either way I have not forgot about this book, so here you go and enjoy! Xx

PS you can also check out my new Tyler Seguin Fic I wrote while trying to restor my password :)

The day had finally come. It was draft day. The 2015 NHL entry draft was going to be underway in a mear few hours.

Connor and I were still in bed, I woke to the sight of his bare back infront of me, I'm normally the one with my back towards him, but he tossed and turned in bed all night long. It kept me up all night, I could tell he was getting anxious but I didn't want to bother him too much, so I just gave him his space.

With that he was still sound asleep, he had to be at the draft at 1:00 pm, and it was a little after 10:00 am.

I proped myself up on one elbow to give myself a better look at Connor. His mouth was hanging wide open, with his stubble of a beard growing around his chin and him breathing very heavily. I leaned down and give him a gentle kiss on his cheek as his face was still buried in his pillow.

He flinched a little, letting out a gentle grunt. I kept myself in the position and ran my hand along his forarm, then placing my head in the crook of his neck.

"Morning babe" I whispered.

His eyes slowly opened, taking him a few seconds. He turned over onto his back letting out a gigantic yawn.

I smiled down at him, my hand now resting on his chest, he grabbed it and gave it a kiss.

"Morning pretty lady" he said, with another yawn following.

I looked at him with lustful eyes for a few seconds. He was still half asleep and his eyes were wondering around the room attempting to adjust to the bright sunlight.

I placed my head on his chest, giving him a view of the back of my head. He then ran his hands slowly through my tangled morning hair, as I gazed off into the distance.

"Connor..." I began.

"Yeah?" He asked in his extremely deep morning voice.

I once again waited a few seconds before I did anything. I ran my fingers along Connors stomach before propping myself up again and looking at him. This time he was a lot more wide eyed and awake.

I flashed him my suttle smile, "I just want you to know I love you, and, and I'm proud of you, ok? I really do love you, and I hope today turns out how you hope? Ok?"

He looked at me with his tight little smirk as he ran his hands over his chin.

"Holly..." he started, "I love you too, and things will work out, trust me."

And with that he leans on in to give me a kiss on my cheek that lingered for a little bit.

He didn't seem too nervous or worked up yet, actually it was the calmest I've seen him in weeks.

I didn't know what to say, or when to say it, and what I said was stupid. He obviously knows I love him and i want this to work out, but I just couldn't help but feel a little nervous, for him and myself, but this was Connors day. It was all about him. I told myself right then and there that I would not let my emotions and thoughts get the best of me today. Besides, it was almost a given he was going first overall. I just kept telling myself that with hopes it would get me through the day.


"Holls, stop shaking! Your making me nauseous!" Connor said as he placed his right hand on my thigh in an attempt to stop it from shaking like crazy.

"I know I know!" I said as i bit my lip and looked around the hockey arena that was transformed into the draft set up.

Straight across from us I could see where Dylan and his family were seated. I locked eyes with Dylan and he gave me a huge smile along with a thumbs up. I returned the smile along with mouthing "you got this Dyl".

The commotion was starting to somewhat settle down. All of the potential draft eligible player and their families were in their seats, all the GM's and team management had sat at their assigned tables, and the lights began to become a little dim.

There were cameras galore. Especially where we were sitting. I felt extremely uncomfortable under them. I mean I was sweating like crazy, not to mention I probably looked like I was about to freaking vomit.

The arena was hot as hell, and my sleeveless baby blue dress was not going well with pit stains (yes I know it's sleeveless but I was sweating so much I still somehow managed to get pit stains). I swear I'm not crazy, but it felt like Edmonton was dead staring our way the whole time we were in our seats, which felt like a lifetime.

Connor had a microphone attached to his suit for some sort of segment they were doing, so I didn't want to try and say too much. He still was calm, I on the other hand, oh dear lord.

Before I could faint from heat stroke and the jitters, Garry Bettmen made his way onto the stage, and as he started speaking and the boo's began, the 2015 NHL entry draft was underway.

As he asked the Edmonton Oilers to make their way to the stage. Connor, his parents, his brother and I all seemed to tense up. You could just feel it. Connors hand was no longer placed on my thigh, instead he was twirling his thumbs in his lap. I placed my hand oh his and gave it one huge, big, tight squeeze.

"With the first over all pick of the 2015 NHL entry draft, the Edmonton Oilers are proud to select, from the Erie Otters of the OHL, Connor McDavid"

Long Ago // Connor McDavidWhere stories live. Discover now