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I woke up that morning with a terrible headache. The bright sun was shining through the red hotel room curtains, making me a little irritated.

I turned on over in bed and glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It read 8:00am, a whole hour before I had to be up.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, I got up out of bed and made my way to the little kitchen, where I flicked on the coffee maker and waited anxiously for my cup of coffee.

Today Connor and some of the other prospects were going on an outing to this Florida swamp like place. Being completely honest, I had no idea why or what the point of it really was, all I knew was that Connor kept talking about snakes, alligators and a boat ride. I didn't really ask any further questions as it was a "guys thing".

Since he would be away the majority of the day, Connors parents, Brian and Kelly, had suggested that we go for brunch. Which was fine by me, considering food was involved.

Once my cup of coffee was ready, I sat down on the coach and flicked on the tv to the sports channel, which conviently, sportscentre was on. I waited a bit to see if they would mention anything about the draft, but all they were talking about was the Blue Jays.

As my attention span began to thin out, I turned on my phone and saw a notification from snpachat. I unlocked my phone and opened the one from Connor.

It first was a picture of him and Mitch, then a video of Dylan holding a snake, with Mitch screaming in the back, than a close up video of a little baby alligator, which was pretty cute.

I couldn't help but smile as I knew he was enjoying himself. I locked my phone and decided that I should start getting ready as I sucked at managing my time.

Overall it worked out fine, I was ready just before 9:30 and started to head down to the lobby where we were going to meet.

When I got of the elevator, Brian and Kelly were already sitting on a couch waiting for me.

I walked on over to them, and Kelly noticed me before I could even say "hello".

"There she is!" She happily said, catching the attention of Brian.

They both stood up and hugged me, pulling away and than looking me up and down.

"Why don't you look pretty!" Kelly said.

I smiled, "thank you" I said with a slight giggle.

"Sha'll we go?" Brian asked.

Kelly and I looked at each other, than back at Brian before all shaking our heads and heading out of the hotel.

We walked down the street and towards the hotel parking lot before hoping in the rental car and driving towards the nearest Bob Evans.

Once arriving, the place was already pretty busy. We were given a nice 4 seating table towards the back though, where it wasn't so loud.

Before I could even pick up my menu, Brian had closed his and set it down on the table.

Kelly looked over towards Brian, "let me guess, chocolate chip pancakes?" She asked.

Brian let out a soft chuckle, "as always" he replied.

Kelly and I figured out what we were going to have shortly after, and just like that the waitress took our orders and menus and headed into the kitchen.

Now was when an awkward silence fell. I had never actually been out alone with Connor's parents. His dad drove me home late one night, but other than that, Connor had always been with us.

Long Ago // Connor McDavidWhere stories live. Discover now