The Boy With Pink Hair

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"Have a nice day, Ruby! Listen to your teachers." My mother said to me before I got out of the car. "Don't worry, mom. I'll be fine. I have to go. Love you." I told her. "I love you too. I get off work at 5:00, so you'll have to walk home today-" I sighed. "Okay, mom. I have to go." She nodded and waved. "Bye." I closed the car door and watched her drive away.

Today was my first day of school in Ohio. I moved here from Chicago and I was trying to get used to the Ohio lifestyle. I've never been anywhere besides Chicago, so I'm new to everything.

I walked into the school building and into the front office. The lady in the office was on the phone. "Excuse me? I'm a new student and-" She put up one finger. Signaling me to wait. I nodded and looked at my surroundings.

The school was decorated in black and gold. I'm guessing it's their school colors. I looked down the hall and saw kids rushing past each other. I got a lot of stares from kids passing by.

Guess they're not used to new kids. I don't like being stared at. Not my favorite thing in the world.

I'm not quite the social type. Not a big talker. I was when I was younger, but one thing changed that in middle school. I had friends in Chicago, but they're 356 miles away.

I'm not shy, I just like my own company. I like my comfort zone. I'll be fine on my own this year.

"How may I help you?" The secretary lady asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh, I'm the new student from Chicago. I came here for my schedule." I said quietly. "Can't hear you, sweetie. Do you need your schedule?" I nodded eagerly.

I hate when people tell me to speak louder. I'm not sure why, it just gets on my nerves. I just feel like they're pushing my buttons. Something I do not like.

"Alrighty. What's your name?" I looked down and picked at the skin around my finger nail. "Ruby Johnson." I cringed. I never really liked my name. My mom hates it when I say that. I was named after my great grandmother on my dad's side.

The secretary digged through a file, quietly repeating my name. "Ruby Johnson. Here you go. Now class starts in a few minutes, I suggest you hurry." I nodded and walked down the hallway.

I felt people with glowing eyes starring holes into my skin. Okay, that's a little dramatic, but you know what i mean. Now, it's kinda hard to avoid it, but just as long as I keep my head down at my schedule, I'll be fine.

I began searching for my locker. Locker #72. I occasionally looked away from paper and at the locker numbers.

When I reached my locker, I took everything out of my bag and put it inside the small cubicle. I hid my face inside that enclosed space.

Soon, I heard the bell ring and lockers closing. People were scurrying all around me. It's time for first hour. I grabbed a notebook and a pencil, anything I might need. I kept my schedule in front of me. After I shut my locker, I started looking for Room 12A: Science and Physics.

I looked at the classrooms around me and the doors didn't have numbers on them. How was I supposed to find my classes? I didn't know where to go or what to do and I sure wasn't going to ask anyone for help.

I began walking down the hallway. I passed a corner and the bell rang again; meaning class is beginning. I sighed and leaned against the wall.

I close my eyes and try to relax. A lot of stuff has been going on and I'm just very stressed in general, this just puts a cherry on top.

I hear sounds of running feet on the hard floor. I open my eyes and see a boy running in the opposite direction. "C'mon, we're going to be late." At first I thought he was talking to me.

Ruby//J.DWhere stories live. Discover now