Long Discussions & Tacos

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I'm in my last class. I'm just counting off the minutes for me to go home. Then again, it's Friday. It's the weekend.

You see, for most people the weekend is the best time of the week. Not for me. I usually spend it at home alone.

And at night is what I hate the most. I get bored and boredness leads my mind to wander. Then that's where I can't take it.

Josh has last hour with me, but he's all the way across the room. And I'm in the back. I glance over at him and he catches my eye.

I look away quickly. Sometimes I can't deal with eye contact. Everytime someone looks me straight in the eye, I feel like they can see all my flaws and all my weaknesses. I can't have that.

I set my head down on my desk. Regretting what I just did. Then the bell rings.

I race out of class and to my locker.

"Dang, Bee. Slowdown. I want to ask you something." Josh said as he approached me.

"Do you wanna hang out with Me and Tyler tonight?" I cringed and Josh's grammar. I wanted to correct him saying 'Tyler and I' but I resisted the urge.

I looked at him for a split second and shrugged my shoulders. "C'mon, please. We can go see a movie. We can see 'Where The Wild Things Are'." He said.

I smiled. Where The Wild Thing Are was my favorite book growing up. My dad used to read it to me all the time.

Then I remembered why I hate that book so much. I shook my head.

"Bee. No one should be alone on a Friday night." I looked at him strangely. It's like he knows exactly who I am.

I never like to be alone at night. How can he know that. "I know I wouldn't want to be alone." He said.

I looked down at my shoes. "If you don't go, then I might as well just stay home." He said as he began walking away.

I made a protest noise and he turned around. "What was that? I can't hear you." He said teasing me.

I made that noise again and nodded my head. "You'll come?" I waited a second.

And I nodded. Josh smiled. "Me and Tyler will pick you up at 6:30. Be ready." I nodded and proceeded to pack my bag.


"Mom, is it okay if I go with josh and Tyler tonight?" She peaked her head out of the fridge.

"What are they doing tonight?" She asked. "Going to a movie. And they invited me." I replied.

"Ooh. That'll be fun. Sure you can go." I smiled and continued to walk upstairs.

"Wait a second." My mother pipped in. "Have you talked to either of them?" I stayed silent.

"Define talking. Because if shrugging my shoulders and nodding is talking, then I've been talking their ears off." She looked at me.

"Ruby, when are you going to do this. I'm guessing these are your only best friends, you need to talk to them. Don't leave them hanging." I sighed.

"I'll do it whenever I want, okay?" She looked at me like I was in trouble. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it like that. I just don't feel comfortable yet."

Ruby//J.DWhere stories live. Discover now