Treehouse Carvings

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Josh: Hey! Wanna hang out?

My phone buzzed out of the blue. It is Sunday evening and I'm watching "That 70's Show". I checked my phone lazily and saw it was josh.

Bee: Sure! Let me tell my mom. She's working late tonight

I don't know if I mentioned this, but my mom is a nurse. She works late sometimes. Especially on weekends. Which isn't fair.

After I texted my mom, she said I could go.

Bee: Are you coming over to my house or??

Josh: Yeah. Be there in a flash

I laughed at Josh's language.

Since I actually talked to josh for the first time Friday, I didn't exactly know how to act now. Stay quiet? Or open up?

I would like to talk to him, but I don't want to let him in too easily. I have a habit of doing that. It always ends bad.

Maybe josh will be different. But how do I know?! This is why I have anxiety.

Before I knew it, there was a knock at the door. I gradually answered.

"Hey, Bee!" Josh said as happy as always. "H-Hi." I responded hesitantly.

Josh just smiled. "Well, what do you want to do?" He asked. "I don't know. I kinda thought you had an idea." I said barely audible.

"Oh, well we can go to my house. I can show you my treehouse!" I laughed at Josh's sudden burst of excitement.

I nodded. "Cool! Follow me." He said as I closed and locked the front door.

"Did you walk?" I asked. Every time I talk, josh smiles slightly. "Yeah. You don't live too far from me. Just down the street and a few houses to your left."

I nodded. "So, you're talking to me. That's nice." He said. I started laughing. "What?" He asked.

"That's a good way of starting a conversation." He turned red. "Oh really?! How would you start a conversation?! Huh?"

"How about 'how was you day?" I said dully. He rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I just want to say I like your voice. Even though I've known you for a week, it's nice."

I smiled. "Thank you. I like your voice too." We both smiled at each other and continued walking.

We reached his house sooner than I expected. "Well this is my home, my fortress, my cave." He said gesturing his house like it was heaven.

"mi casa es su casa." He said. When we walked in, someone ran into me.

"Ashley! Please watch where you're going!" Josh yelled. She turned around and went to me.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know josh had company. I'm Ashley." More people? I suddenly have a familiar feeling to keep my mouth shut.

I looked to josh in a panic manor. "Ashley, this is my friend Bee." She waved. She walked up to josh and whispered something in his ear.

He turned red and flushed. "No. she's not my-- never mind. We're going outside." He said grabbing my wrist and dragging me along.

"I thought you were going to hang out with Tyler." Someone said. I peeked over Josh's shoulder. I could barely see who was talking. Josh is so much taller than me.

"I said can I hang out with a friend. Not Tyler." He said sassily. I'm guessing this was his mother. "Well I thought it'd be Tyler- who's this?" Josh scooted over to show me.

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