Joke (Night ver.)

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"WHAT?" I GASPED IN HORROR. This couldn't be real. He's lying. I know it.

"I'm so sorry, but we have to end this now." Namjoon stared at me, smirk playing at the corner of his lips. Wearing nothing but his pants, he looked like a dark anger who was ready to give me his darkest punishment.

And darkest punishment it was.

I stared straight to his eyes, searching for any sign of regret. Of hurt. But there's none. If any, I could only see amusement in them.

My heart broke at my own stupidity. I know I shouldn't have expected anything. Afterall, he's an idol and I'm just a fan. But how could I stop myself from falling when he was the one who pushed from the edge? How could I not believe when all he showed were nothing but tender touches and loving words?

I pulled the blanket over my body, trying to cover myself with it. But it was useless. I may be covered with fabric, but I still felt naked in front of him. I feel like he could see each and every raw wound his words and stares brought to me.

My mind went back to how he singled me out into the crowd of ARMYs first time we met. And how he slowly coaxed me with his sweet words to leave with him. How he said he thinks he fell for me at first sight... how he wanted us to continue whatever this is we have for a long time.

I felt tears fall from my eyes as I kept on staring at him. "What about those things you told me yesterday?" I asked, trying to make some sense out of this situation.

Namjoon sighed, stiffling a chuckle. "Those are just jokes. Everything is a joke. I was just testing out how far a fangirl would go for her bias." He coughed this time, suspiciously sounding like he just did it to hide his laugh.

I froze at his response. I couldn't think of anything to say. My mind just went blank. I just kept on crying as I let everything sink in.

Namjoon sighed and went towards me. He placed his hand at the back of my head, gently holding it in place as he gave me a light peck on my lips.

"Sorry about that," he whispered against me. I closed my eyes as I felt his breath mingled with mine, savoring this moment, however painful it is. "But thanks for the great night."

He, then, moved away from me, pulled his shirt on, and left.

- END -

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