New Year Special

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"Oppa, aren't those pretty?" You said as you both looked up in the sky, watching the fireworks lit up the night. You were sitting on the grass with him, waiting for the screams that would indicate the end of 2014.

"Yeah. But they're not as pretty as you," he replied. Even without looking, you know he was smiling and that his dimples were showing.

"Stop being so cheesy. It's making my skin crawl," you said, stoping your self from smiling.

Namjoon wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him. He put his lips over you ear and whispered, "In a good way?"

You know he was just teasing you so you playfully elbowed him before rolling your eyes at him.

"No. In disgust," you answered, pulling a face at him.

He just chuckled but didn't let go of you. Instead, he made you sit between his legs, then hugged you tightly, resting his chin over your head.

You just stayed like that for a few more minutes, quietly enjoying each others company when the cheers came.

"I guess it's already 2015," you said, tilting your head a little to smile at him.

"Probably. Happy new year," he smiled back, his dimples flashing.

You poked one dimple with you finger, making him grimace.

"Let's do this again next new year, okay?" you said.

"We'll do this not just next new year, but every year," he replied, staring at you seriously, his eyes full of love and adoration.

You nodded at him, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You gave him a quick kiss before returning to watching the fireworks.


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