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The prophet's features and character


The Prophet's (SalAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) voice was slightly loud, his speech eloquent. He looked dignified in silence and attractive while speaking. He always spoke to the point, and his words were explicit and distinct. Quite naturally, he was a powerful orator.


The Prophet (SalAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) usually seemed cheerful, and he liked to smile. Even when others were rude to him, he was never harsh and rude. He never raised his voice in the market place.
If faced with a choice between two options, the Prophet (SalAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) would always choose the easier one, provided that it did not lead to sin.

Above everything else, he avoided sinning or anything leading to disobedience of Allah. He never sought revenge for any offense committed against himself, but when the honor of Allah was at stake, he would certainly punish the offender.

The Prophet (SalAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) was generous, brave, strong, and extraordinarily patient. Never vulgar or obscene, his dislike of something was apparent in his face. He never stared directly at anyone, nor did he ever glare at anyone in displeasure.

He never rebuked his servant, nor was he ever heard saying something unkind about anyone. Even before his appointment as Allah's Messenger, the Prophet (SalAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) was known as "Al-Ameen" (the Trustworthy). He always kept his promises, and remained humble even in victory.

He respected the ties of kinship, attending the funerals of his relatives and Companions. He sat with the poor and needy, and accepted invitations extended to him from slaves. At the height of his power as head of the Islamic state, he lived modestly. He never attempted to outdo others in serving rich food or wearing expensive clothing.

May Allâh help all of us to take lessons from the lives of the Prophet (SalAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and his companions (radhiAllahu 'anhum) and help us to hold on to Islam in every aspect of our life.

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