God does not start loving you to stop loving you..

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God will never ask you to offer him something that He didn't first plant the seed of inside of you. God only seeks from you that which He first gave to you. God only asks from you what He knows you can handle. Sometimes to us certain burdens seem like too much, too great, too painful and it is in those moments that we must remember that muscles grow by first being torn, that seeds blossom into trees after first being broken, we must remember that when we stretch and open sometimes it hurts but that pain is not because God is not Merciful but rather because God loves us so much that He wants to expand us to allow us to receive more of His love.

Understand me when I say that I feel your pain, that I have walked many dark nights within my soul, that I have contemplated death, that I have asked what the point of all of this pain is & let me tell you that when I look back I see God's love following me closer than a shadow through even the paths that led me astray because while shadows disappear in the darkness God stayed with me, with a sinner like me, with a non-practicing mess up like me so do not say you are hopeless because God in this very moment is closer than your jugular veins.

Do not tell me that things are too bad, or too hard or you have too great of a broken heart for the God who made you to fix, for a God who made this world to heal, for the God who's breath created galaxies to bring back to life. Listen to me, so long as you are breathing it's like God is saying, "I believe in you. I see your beauty. I know you have faith in your heart because I planted it there. Come back to me. Every breath you breathe I am breathing my spirit in you, I am drumming your heart into beat moment to moment because I believe you were made for something greater because I created you. I am keeping you on My earth because I want you to find your true purpose & joy so turn back to me, turn away from the darkness and turn to my light so I can brighten the pathway for you.

Turn back to me and let me help you find the way I wrote for you to walk. I am here, I am always here, no matter what you choose I am here. My love does not change, but just as closed eyes can not receive the light, you have to open your heart to experience my love. You are worthy of my love not by your merit or actions but because my love has no conditions. My mercy encompasses all things that means my mercy is encompassing you in this very moment no matter who you are, what you have done, or even what you believe. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am. And I am love, Al-Wadud. My love can heal anything because it is my love that is a source of all creation. Do not be shy with me because I know everything, I know you exactly as you are in this moment and I love you. Come back to me. I have left every door unlocked for you, you don't even need to knock just come back to Me and let me show you the incredible holiness of who you really are." Turn back to Allah. Let His Light open the petals of your heart and unveil the fragrance of Divine Love that is wildly and freely dancing inside of you! ❤️

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