Chapter 1

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Dedicated to the first person who followed me back and also an AWESOME writer

Chapter 1

Vulcaria sat on the ground awaiting the summons.

She was terrified, actually terrified only began to describe what she felt at that moment.

The female wolves surrounded her in what was supposed to be a supportive manner but from the hateful glances spared her way she was unable to misinterpret their threats. After figuring out why she was being held here, the fear kept her from falling a sleep. A sigh slipped out of her mouth before a growl echoed in the cave. Without thinking she was already on the floor with her head tilted sideways and her stomach in full view. She hated the act of submission but years as an omega taught her the basics of endurance.

Susanna acknowledged her submission but Vulcaria dared not sit upright and remained with her tail between her legs on the ground, her breathing shallow and pained from a still mending cracked rib. There were 20 female werewolves in the cave entrance, it was part of the ceremony as they prepared Vulcaria for mating with the Alpha* of the Shadow Valley pack. A name which brought fear and death in companionship.

The Alpha was a beast many feared, he was the alpha of their sub pack, even though their pack was weak and unstable, it was because of their alpha that they had managed to survive all these years. Their old alpha Emerson, who was now their epsilon, had handed over the pack in exchange for that protection of a pack name.  Apparently Susana had chosen to offer Vulcaria as a thank you gift. Why should Vulcaria a fifteen year old girl be forced to mate a man who uses female werewolves to breed more of his bloodline before killing them, well she wished she knew.

She was only an omega, no alpha blood in her, she couldn't even shift that is how weak she is, but then why was she chosen, why was she being used as a trading tool in the upcoming territory wars**. A stupid war that won't be stopped because it was fuelled by morons. Yet why an omega, such a disgraceful being who had to withstand the physical and mental blows of a rageful pack of weres, why would they chose her to bear the alpha children? Won't they be as weak as her?

She was so tired. If only she could sleep for eternity. She could only flinch at the thought of how many innocent beings were subjected to worse then what she had. She felt sick to her core knowing that she could not kill herself to prevent the inevitable, they wouldn't let her and neither would her wolf. She had seen what so many omega females and males had to endure. How they came back broken, how most went rogue or killed themselves. There were a few strong omegas, the others had told her how they had sacrificed themselves so that the others would not be harmed in the same way. Is that what she is doing here so the others might escape the same fate?

Maybe, but that thought a lone could not make her feel better.

A few warm stray tears left her eyes before she was flung against the caves opening. Another rib cracking had her gasping in pain as she looked to the man who had thrown her.

It was the man who would mate her then kill her after bearing pups, the same as he had done to countless female werewolves. She looked to the man who thought himself god, who believed his children to be the ultimate of their species.

The man before her meant that she would not be summoned instead she would be claimed by his more animalistic side. She cringed at the detestable thought but knew better as the man threw her over his shoulder, without a second glance at her pack leading her to the surrounding forest.

Of course her pack wouldn't say goodbye to her not that she wished they would. What did she wish for? She wanted to cry and scream out for help but none would come. She knew what mating involved and the man in front of her would later kill her even if she did not conceive his pups.

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