Chapter 3- sorry rewritten a bit \(-_-;)/

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Thanks to everyone who read and voted and commented you made my day.  I'd also like to dedicate this chapter to the awesome writer nerdywolf7 for encouraging me to carry on writing XD (*u*)

recap                                                                                                                                                                 Vulcaria killed the alpha of the Shadow Valley pack and escaped back to the pack cave where everyone was dead but found a pup still alive. Jason, the third born of the first litter of the dead alpha became the new alpha and killed 3 brothers who insulted their father but he did it because they were like his blood thirsty father. In truth he didn't want his father to die because that meant his mother who is his fathers true mate would die soon after which she did. Oh and when Vulcarias alpha died all commands he made disappeared like the commands for her to forget what he did to her -_- yes the ass I'm glad he is dead.

Chapter 3

The tiny six year old starred back at Vulcaria through vulnerable eyes. Through her eyes she understood just how much fear swallowed the innocent soul. Her trembling fingers began soothing Marry Annes pup as Vulcaria put more effort in controlling her grief stricken body.

As her breathing evened she realised the pups name was Willow. She was shivering from the cold as her cheeks held a history of pain painted tear streaks and Vulcarias heart broke in a different way then before. She cradled the pup closer as she took her back to the alphas room and dressed her in a piece of warm human clothes that wrapped around the thin frame like a bear fur skin.

The pup needed her and with that knowledge she pushed everything to the back of her mind as she tried to be strong for little Willow.

Since Willow would be travelling with her she had to be more cautious, if anything happened to the fragile soul, Vulcaria knew not of what she would do.                                                                               They exited a long an almost forgotten route hidden by tree routes and darkness. 

The darkness seemed to cling to them as they progressed. An eerie chill settled over the two as they stumbled in ignorance of what truly clung to Vulcaria.    Just as Willow began to shake in fear, Vulcaria lifted the pup to her chest and crouched under and over some shelves, weak with age and scared from the acidic poison that gave birth to its form. Pain dotted her vision as her cracked ribs screamed out in pain with every breath she dare took.                                 It was not long before they splashed into the icy cold lake that claimed more lives then the massacre that they had come from. Already the humidity and pressure had changed in this part of the cave, enough to startle the ill fated into believing that they would never make it out.

Vulcaria was already questioning her sanity for bringing the pup in this direction when she herself was not entirely sure where the exit was. She felt like crying as she tried to swim through the deepening coldness as though something were showing her where to go. Swallowing her fears she looked upon willow who seemed to be panicking and Vulcaria felt the guilt of letting down this innocent child.

'I want to go back...p-pleas-ee I'm scared I can't, I can't.' The pup was crying but Vuulcaria kept on going, listening to the force that seemed to be guiding her until she spotted what they had been looking for. A small smile crept through her fears as she calmed the pup down.

They walked till they came to a clearing.

"You must be hungry Willow. I will go fetch some food but I need you to hide in the tree while I'm gone. Can you do that for me?" Vulcaria lifted the pup before getting her answer into a tree and tried covering her with foliage, hopefully she will be alright with out her.

'Don't go!' Vulcaria turned to look at the being before her, she felt like crying again, both their voices were hoarse and they were cold, they needed to be fed.

'I have to. don't worry.' Vulcaria often saw her pack members hugging each other to lift someone's mood so she awkwardly reached up and hugged the pup trying to transfer a sense of ease into the small child.

The Shadow Valley Pack

Jason was sitting in his fathers old office. His head ached from the past events but infront of his pack he had to keep his passive face.

A knock sounded through the room before his elder brother Derek stepped in. They were triplets, Jason being the youngest, their eldest brother, well he was no longer with them.

"The pack is edgy, others will want our land thinking that we are weaker without our father." Derek's voice was cold and calculating. His eye's trying to break the blank mask that now hid his brother.

Jason looked to his newly appointed beta and let out an air of frustration. ' I have always been cautious, measures have already been taken, but you of course knew that. So tell me Derek what is truly on your mind because you know I am no fool when it comes to you.'

"Fine, why the hell are you still bothered with his death! You should call them off her trail. We don't need to kill her- he deserved to die," his hand slammed down on Jason's desk, "hell he wasn't even our mothers real mate!" A loud bang echoed in the office as the desk cracked in half.

' Derek my patience is waning, do not sell me some half-assed excuse to spare that girls life or should I remind you that she is the reason or mother is dead.'

" It wasn't the girls fault, we found the cause of mothers death to be an overdose of medication. You should know that was not the first time she tried,' Derek carefully took a step back as his brother threw half of the cracked desk against a wall, shattering it in the process of shaking the building. Paying no attention the pieces of paper floating like dust particles under angel rays, Derek continued to drill his argument through his brothers thick skull. "You know that she did not die from the death of her true mate which means our so called father was not her true mate- he kept her against her will!"

Jason took a breath trying to calm his nerves as he absorbed the new information. The only reason he wanted that girl dead was because she killed their father which in turn killed their mother. His mother, the only one who truly loved them.' I don't believe mother chose to leave us willingly, there is no way she would break that promise. She cared for us more then you'll ever know! That girl will die and nothing you say will change my mind.' Jasons voice was detached and abandoned.

"I can't speak to you anymore." Derek was more then disappointed in his younger brother but he couldn't seem to understand his brother no matter how hard he tried he would always hide his real emotions. At least today he may have gotten a glimpse of them and even though it wasn't much he was thankful that his brother wasn't exactly like their father.

Jason looked at his brothers retreating figure, if it had been any of his other brothers he would have ripped their throats out.

He sighed, it wasn't going to get any easier for him.

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