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Hey everyone,

This is my first book, I hope you enjoy it (*.*)P

dedicated to someone awesome XD

(I like you too so you get a dedication XD )


Vulcaria couldn't sleep. It was cold outside and even with the many omegas huddled up for warmth their bones still soaked in the cold. Vulcaria was one of the younger omega's which meant she was on the outskirts of the group trying to protect the frail and old from death this winter. Yet another winter the omega's were left outside the cave entrance blocking the cold from reaching the more dominant of their species.

The sky began to lighten as her eyes began to close finally hoping sleep was here to take her away from the harsh howling winds. It was at that time that  the Epilsons* wife had personally come to collect her which was odd in many ways. 

Vulcaria had her head bowed low as she followed the epsilons wife Susanna through the maze that was the pack cave until they came to an area surrounded by dominant female werewolves. Vulcaria whimpered slightly at the harsh glares that contained more hatred then she knew they held for her.

Not understanding what was happening to her, she was groomed and dressed in what she could only assume was the clothes that humans wore. It was a colour she saw on a few rare flowers within the forest, it was beautiful, she was not.

She knew from a young age that she was not like the others, that she could not shift into a wolf let alone a human, she was stuck in a half-way form like newly born cubs. A human face with wolf eyes and ears, her body covered in fur where her limbs were human except for the tail that hid between her legs out of fear of the dominant females that surrounded her.

In the warmth of the cave she felt herself falling a sleep only to be slapped awake by Susanna and that is how the rest of the day went with her stuck in the same position only catching a few drifting words from the conversations echoing in the walls.

She was to be offered to their alpha at night fall, she would die a few months after...

*Epilson (4-5; more epsilons are promoted as the pack population grows) These wolves are leaders of various sub-packs, each responsible for keeping an eye on the wolves within their sub-pack. Each sub-pack has a generic duty, such as scouting/patrolling borders, organizing hunting parties, and recruiting new werewolves. (

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I know you love me...hehehe

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