Chapter 2

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Thanks to everyone who read and voted and commented you made my day. I've decided that I dedicate the rest of my book to cozybxblover who was the first person besides myself to comment...but I also want to dedicate this chapter to vansalim18 to have also added this book to their reading list and to nerdywolf7 and shadowmoon5 for commenting and also encouraging me and  snowballxlove for voting and to anyone else who might have thank you so much,... i feel like i'm at the oscars...hehe...

Chapter 2

Vulcaria was unaware of the exact moment her shift occurred except that when it did an intense blood lust overwhelmed her being.

It was at the exact moment that her claws entered his skin that a wave of his memories clouded her vision. She saw his whole life as though it were her own and saw his victims as he had treated them. It was than that a protective urgency came over her, as though he had harmed her very own pups that she ripped out his heart along with whatever flesh she could find through her angered vision.

It was only when she realised the monsters children began entering the forest, as though a tuned to their fathers pain as they rushed forward, that she realised what she had exactly done. Vulcaria only had a second to realise that she was a lycan not just a normal werewolf but one who stood as tall as a man. She sprang up to the tree canopy above, her left foot entangled with the branches as her hands effortlessly held her behind the dense foliage. Her fragmented arm already healed.

 Just as she steadied they came into view.

Fourteen bulky bloodied wolves had appeared in the clearing and without a second look they moved as a military unit trying to track her scent. Her scent which was now covered by the stench of their dead father and the eucalyptus trees that engulfed her.

They wouldn't be able to track her since she never left but she was glad that none of them had the brains to figure it out and she felt even more relieved as they tracked everywhere but the path they used to arrive from the cave. She almost smiled at their stupidity for thinking she never passed them on their way to reach their father. They honestly thought too highly of themselves yet again she was glad for this oversight on their behalf.

They would return soon, the she wolf knew this. She began moving from tree to tree, never stepping foot on the ground until she reached the cave. The nauseating smell of fresh cadavers ate away  at her rational thoughts as she dashed into the cave decorated with remnants of her pack.                         What was her pack.

The tears flowed easily as she searched further in. She barely heard the murderers speak before they killed their own. Maybe it was because they couldn't find her but she didn't care. Not when she looked down at the new born cub ripped in half, the sight of its spine dangling from its upper body had her on the floor as bile and soundless tears chocked her.

She was there for hours, mourning for the lives lost. The alphas sons never bothered coming back to the cave. She heard them leave three hours earlier but her body was too wrecked with grief and frozen with shock that she remained trembling and curled into herself for the rest of the day.

Jason being the new alpha of the Shadow Valley pack, he felt the power radiating off of him as they rode back to their territory. Well technically they were still on their territory since the crescent pack was now dead. Their fight was pathetic, did they really trust his father that much or were they just plain ignorant. He hoped the girl got away even though she had killed his father and mocked Jason at her feeble attempt to hide he couldn't help but feel a little grateful.         

He would give her hope before he killed her.

It was always best when you played with your prey, atleast he agreed with his father on that.

It took them three hours to reach their pack house. He dismissed his brothers with a wave of his hand as he made his way to his mothers room. She was his fathers true mate, she had rejected his father but he had made sure that she could never leave him. Looking at his mother lying on the bed his heart broke. He sat on her bed where her legs were supposed to be but of course his father had taken it away.

She had been eighteen when his father killed her pack and found her. She would've rather died then be mated by the same person who killed her family and raped her sisters' dead body. Jasons mother hated his father and she made sure to remind him of that everyday. So when she opened her eyes smiling at him for the first time in Jasons life, he was shocked.

"Was it you? Did you kill him?" her voice rang with hoarse pride.

He didn't want to lie to her, but he felt himself nod trying to memorise his mothers smiling face. Her smile was beautiful, and that's how she passed on. A mate doesn't live very long after the other dies. He held her hand, it was still warm littered with deep scaring from the numerous occasions she wished the goddess to take her soul.

His mother looked like an angel and he knew that the goddess wasn't always right when it came to mates. Some people were just soulless and didn't deserve to have something so precious. He smiled at his mother and walked out, not wanting to stay longer to see how happy his mother was even though she was leaving her son, the one person she reminded that she would always care for.

Vulcaria woke up coated in sweat and dry blood. Her nightmare remained even after she opened her eyes. Her heart clenched knowing that no one survived and knowing that in a way she was relieved. 

As her self pity began to dissipate, her self loathing only increased. She was indirectly the cause of their deaths, she couldn't warn them nor could she stop it from occurring.

The bodies were decaying and maggots were becoming flies as the once nature made cave became an unofficial burial ground. She would have given them a proper burial but the werewolve society* would realise someone was a live. She didn't want to be judged for being the lone survivor, only she would get that privelege, and in honesty she was scared. Scared of what would happen to her if they knew.

Her nausea became bareable as she returned to her human form. Her mind racing from questions she didn't want to think of answers for, but after an hour of staring at Mary-annes flat blue eyes she limped to the alphas room.

She didn't know much about humans. The pack prefered to live in their wolf forms more then the human side. Before last night she hadn't been able to turn into her wolf yet alone a lycan form. Her eyes darted around the room as she looked for what humans referred to as money. She had heard of humans using money but after a while she gave up realising that she didn't know what it would look like. So she left the room which had tortured her most of her life. She flinched at the thought.

Where had it come from? Her head began to hurt as memories engraved themselves in her senses and she felt like puking once again.

Stumbling from the blinding pain and tearful eyesight she began to hear something. It was muffled and yet she knew what the sound was.

She tried running to the source but her legs kept stumbling as though her body remained paralyzed by the memories her alpha commanded her to forget and with his death so did his commands break as he had broken her and suddenly she couldn't breath.

Time did not wait for her as her pulse increased with her forgotten fear and sobs chocked her airway.

It was only when the muffled sound grew louder and Marry-Annes pup snuggled into her body heat, finding her pulse that both weres tried to calm their grief stricken state, for different grieves of course.

Sorry it's not edited but please give me your thoughts I'd appreciate it and any advice on improvements that can be made. So uhm...pls vote comment and fan if you wish though that would be awesome and may the force be with you ^u^ / *me and my lightsaber if you don't comment/ VOTE  lol just kidding i got my shuriken...hehe...

please vote comment fan XD

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