Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to the awesome morterra her stories are amazing ^^

Thank you to everyone who has voted, commented and read my work it really means a lot XD

We made 1663 reads so thank you (*u*) I'm blinded by your sheer awesomeness...

Chapter 7


William re-entered the cabin only to find the girl awake staring at him with doe wide eyes.

'Is what you told him true?' Her voice shook slightly as her eyes trained in on the wolf skin held in his hands.

'Somewhat it would be easier to answer your question if you were more specific...' he quickly discarded the fur on a chair as he made his way to her cot and sat down.

"Do you know what I am?"

'Yes, and I am assuming you know what I am?'

"Then why am I alive?"

'Do you not wish to live?'

"Why did you save me I am not your soul mate, you lied to that man. He will kill me eventually."

William looked at the fragile girl full of confusion and sadness. His heart ached not knowing how to save her. ' He wont kill you because he wont find out what you are. You will pretend to be my soul mate, a human girl mate to a warlock and the hunters we live with will not dare kill you for fear of me.'

"But I am not your soul mate."

'Of course not, I bat for the other team.'

"What do you mean by bat for the other team." Vulcaria knew that he was not her soul mate but for some odd reason she loved this boy in front of her as though he were family and yet she never had nor knew any real family.

He chuckled, 'It means I am attracted to other men.'

Vulcaria leaped forth covering his mouth with her smaller hand, "Don't, if they hear you they will kill you." For some odd reason the idea of him dying was painful to her.

He knew how she felt, he had felt the same fear when he thought he found her too late. 'Don't worry they wont, not as long as we keep it a secret.' He gave her a soft smile but she still felt troubled if someone comanded her to tell she would have no other option. She didn't want to cause the young man any harm through her weaknesses. She felt so hopeless but dwelling on that feeling would do her no good.

"Why did you save me?"

He studied the girl closely before concluding that she really knew nothing of her heritage. ' What is your name?'


'Then I shall call you V.' Vulcaria had never been given a name of endearment before and William was surprised to see her smile. It was the first expression to grace her pain stricken face and he knew that he must have done something right. 'Those things that were trying to kill you, do you know what they are?'

The smile quickly vanished from her face as her body screamed out with new fury from the pain they caused it. She groaned and hesitant of whether she was allowed to or not, she began to lay back on the bed. Holding in the tears as she felt blood dripping from closed wounds. He did not reprimand her and he knew not of the blood soaking the thin matress. Out of new fear lest he found out about her blooding his abode she spoke quickly with her neck slightly tilted in submission, hopefully his wrath would be less then that of her pack but then again he lived with hunters. A slight shiver of fear made her clench the warm cover closer to her as though it would protect her.

"I have always been the only one who could see them. They would always be near the river. Though the ones today were my pack. They were m-murder-ed." Her voice became softer out of feeling the loss. She still mourned."I was the only survivor, I was meant to die. Why did you safe me?"

William grabbed the fragile girl not realising that he was adding pressure to her already battered body. He was trying to convey his message to her. ' You are part witch, our souls are siblings. You are my sister. The fates had me dream of finding you so that I could save you! You are meant to live, do not belittle your life! I will protect you from now on!' His voice held conviction until he realised his error as he looked into her pained eyes. She was barely holding in her whimpers as her blood soaked through the duvet by the time he looked into her eyes and realised that he was still gripping her arms to tight, she had lost conciousness.

William kicked a nearby chair, he was telling her how he would protect her and yet he had caused her so much harm. He was a weak warlock but he tried best as he could to heal her now that his grandmother had disappeared. He then changed the bedding and wiped the fresh blood that caked her body. He also hid the were skin away.

Then he waited three days till she woke up.

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Love you guys in a non stalkerish way

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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