High For This

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I got this weird feeling in my stomach when I got in...I think he could tell I was avoiding eye contact when we were headed out of the parking lot and I could feel him looking.

"You okay.?" He broke the silence.

"Yeaa, I'm good....I'm straight."

"You sure.?? Cus I have something if you need it..." He opened the little thingy in-between the driver and passenger's seats and pulled out the fattest blunt I have ever seen. Lord knows I was tryna quit smoking but that shit was beautiful and the smell was so dank I just had to hit it...just once...maybe.

"Ummm...welllll, maaayyybbee just one hit." I chuckled a bit and he smiled and reached for his lighter next.

He handed me the blunt and said "Here, gone light that up then."

I took the blunt and lit it, inhaling a deep puff of smoke. I held it in for a while before finally blowing most of it through my nose and the rest out of my mouth. The taste was something I've never had before, so before passing it back to him, I took another pull of the blunt and I coughed on it.

"What strain is this.?" I said handing it back to him with a smile on my face.

"Girl Scout Cookies. There's a lil wax in it tho..." He said smiling and then he took a hit of it. He held the blunt back out toward me and looked over at me with that "you gone take it.?" look. God knows it took all I could to not take it, but i gave in *shrugs*.

I started getting high af around the middle of the blunt, and by the time it was gone...so was I.


I started the car as she took the blunt from my hand and I glanced over at her. Her lips mesmerized me as they wrapped around the blunt. I bit my bottom lip as I turned back around to put the car in drive and turned the music back up.

"People around you should really have nothin' to say. Me, Im just proud of the fact that you've done it your way." She sung, she had a gorgeous voice, buuut I joined in, just to see what she would do.

"And the Weeknd's here, started it right, even if you only get part of it right. Live for today, plan for tomorrow, party tonight, party tonight. Dyin' ta meet ya girlfriends that you said you might bring, if they're the ones that tell you that you do the right thing." She kept singing but her eyes were widened slightly and she turned towards the window, I could tell she was smiling.

"Uh-uh...." I turned her head toward me and lifted her chin so she was looking me in my eyes. "I wanna see ya smile, ma." she blushed and smiled exposing a beautiful white set of teeth, she tried to hide her smile. A slight smile came up on my face and I leaned in toward her until our lips met...


I tried so hard to hide my blushing. but it didn't work...he looked at me and smirked a bit and started leaning in toward me. I felt my heart start beating faster and my breathing got deeper and everything went in slow motion, then I felt his lips up against mine and my eyes closed. As we kissed, he worked his tongue into my mouth and kissed me deeper. I felt his hand on my hip then moved down and cuffed my ass. A low moan escaped as he bit my bottom lip. It felt like we were there forever and then he pulled away (remembering he cranked the car up). My eyes opened slowly and I smiled a bit and I could still see his smirk.

And then we were out of the parking lot and on our way back to his place....


it's 2 in the morning.... I'm bored please excuse the mistakes.!!!

This Chapter was a little boring to me, but the next one will be better, I promise.!!



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