The Morning...

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'Wassup? Been a minute since we kicked it.

You've been caught up...with them bitches. I don't get it...

You're a star, love...

You shouldn't have to deal with that...

I'd never make you feel like that, cause...

I love me...I love me enough for the both of us.

That's trust me. I know you've been through more than most of us...

So what are you...what are you, what are you so afraid of?

Darling, give but'chu cannot take love...'

Was all i heard blasting when I woke up in an empty bed the next morning. My body was sore and I really didn't feel like getting up. I looked at the clock and it was 6:30sumn, so I decided in maybe 10 more minutes I would get up, get dressed and get my car from Nesha's house.

So I laid in his bed, stared at the ceiling and thought about what happened last night...and all the questions i had before all this actually happened. It was everything I hoped, but something felt different, good in a way, but still different. After 10 minutes, I hopped up and headed downstairs in my panties (considering the fact they were all I could find right now)  and i attempted to find the rest of my clothes. As I walked down the stairs I started to reminisce on what happened last night...the grabbing, the touching, the kissing...and then i came to my favorite part of the stairs... then I spotted the table...with everything still out...I just stared as I walked towards it to get my stuff.

I sat down on the couch and gathered my stuff up. I put on my bra and my shirt, all the while staring at the pills and the last 2 lines of coke on the table. God I wish he didn't feel like he had to do there was some way I could help. If he doesn't hate it, I hate it for him...


I splashed my face with the cold water running from the faucet in my bathroom...I can only remember half of what happened last night, and it kills me. I only remember the sex...and what led up to it. How we met...her name...its all a blur. Its strange that I remember the conversation tho. I've had plenty of memorable, women, parties....but never a memorable conversation unless it was with one of my niggas. I had to have something to remind I picked up my iPhone and scrolled through my contacts while I walked back out the bathroom to the livngroom couch...and there she was staring at the table and rolling an ex pill in between her index finger and thumb.

"Wassup.." she jumped a little, I let out a chuckle.

"shit..." she chuckled "nothin just sittin here..." she said pulling on her skirt. and her phone started to ring.

*"I'm gifted when I'm faded, I'm faded all the time.

Cause I know that's when they love me...They love me when I'm high. When they love me I get money-"*

That song triggered some part of my the K.O.D., we sat and talked...we drank, one more than the now I remember how we met, but her name was still a blur...

"Ummm do you mind if I put this on speaker.??" she said breaking my thought.

"Nahh...go ahead ma."

"Faith, girlllll, I dont know who you fucked wit laasst night but i tried ta call ya black ass to see if you was done nd comin to getcha car, but I guess sumn tapped the phone cus yo ass was scrrreeaaamin in my fuckin ear aahahahahaha.!! That haaaad ta be some good dick! But what tha fuck was y'all blasting The Weeknd for.?? You had one of them ol' romantic niggas didn't cha.!?"

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