Drabble #34

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Prompt: Wilmer gets into a car accident.


"May I speak to Demi Lovato?"

I sighed, "Speaking. And who is this?"

"This is Tarzana Medical Center. We have Wilmer Valderrama admitted as a patient and you are the primary emergency number on his contact."

"Oh my God." I whispered, stopping short in the parking garage. Around me, my assistant Kelsey and make-up artist, Jill, stopped too. "Is he okay? What happened?"

"He was in a car accident. I'm not at liberty to discuss this over the phone because of his status as a VIP patient, but I'm going to need you to come to the hospital as quickly as possible."

I closed my eyes, "Of course. I'll be right there." I hung up and both of the girls looked at me with obvious alarm, "Wilmer was in a car accident that's all they can tell me. I don't know what's going on but I have to go."

I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest and the tears threatening to start.

"It's gonna be okay Demi. Take a breath."

I nodded, inhaling deeply through my nose, "I'll call you guys when I can. Lord knows the press will be all over this. I just have to get to the hospital."

"Go." They both said in union.


"Wilmer Valderrama?"

The receptionist looked up at me, not recognizing my face through the sunglasses, "That's a restricted floor. I'm gonna need to see iD."

I flashed my license at her, "I'm his wife."

She nodded and typed something into the computer, "Vip floor 5, room 589. Here's a key card to access it in the elevator."

I took the card and practically ran to the elevator. Thankfully, I was the only one in the elevator, so I didn't have an audience as I started crying. The floor dinged, and I walked out into the quiet hallway. I found 589 and went in, gasping at the sight of Wilmer bandaged up, unconscious.


I turned to see a doctor standing behind me, "Hi..."

"I take it you're Mr. Valderrama's wife?"

I nodded and went to his side, taking his hand in mine, "Yes."

"Wilmer was T-Boned by a drunk driver. He has a broken arm, and a concussion, but we won't know how bad it is until he wakes up, which I am positive he will."

I let out a low moan and sat in the chair, examining his face, "And when do you think that will be exactly?"

The doctor shrugged, "It could be in the next five minutes, it could be within the next two days."

I laced Wilmer's fingers with mine again, "Thank you."

"He's already looking better though."

I didn't look away from Wilmer, "Why do you say that?"

The doctor chuckled, "His heart rate went up when you touched him."

He walked out, and I perched on the edge of Wilmer's bed, reaching out to touch his cheek.

"Baby it's me." I murmured, "You gotta wake up soon, I haven't kissed you all day." Gently, I leaned down and pressed my lips to his unresponsive ones, sighing when I pulled away and saw his eyes still closed.

It was late, nearly eleven o'clock, but my body was wired with adrenaline. There was no way I'd be able to sleep with him unconscious. But, I gently moved so I didn't catch any wires, and laid next to him, resting my head on his shoulder. Eventually, my eyes closed, and I matched his breathing through the monitor. I was just beginning to doze off when the rhythm changed, and I felt him shift.

"Wilmer?" I say up and cupped his cheeks as he blinked a few times.

"Ow." He rasped.

I quickly hit the nurse button, "Baby thank God you're okay."

Wilmer looked up at me, "Oh shit... What happened?"

I ran my hand through my hair, "You were in a car accident. You broke your arm and you have a concussion."

He squinted up at me, "You didn't have to come... you're supposed to be on a plane to New York."

I rolled my eyes, "Wilmer, you are much more important than one interview. I cleared my schedule for the week. You are my priority."

He sighed, "Babe, it's fine. I don't need you to take care of me. I'm fine."

I smirked, "Sorry, no-can-do. I'm you're wife. It's my job to take care of you even when you don't think you need to be taken care of."

Wilmer rolled eyes and the doctors came in, "Well it is certainly relieving to see you awake Mr. Valderrama. I'm sure you gave your wife here quite a scare. I just need to examine you and I want to get an MRI so I can make sure things are in perfect order."

I got off the bed as the doctor examined Wilmer, assessing his reflexes and vital signs. Eventually, he straightened up, said that everything looked okay, and walked out to schedule the MRI. Wilmer waited until he shut the door, then looked over at me.


I walked over and he sat up straighter, pulling my mouth to his and me practically on top of him. I yelped as my feet left the floor and pulled away, "Wilmer you're not supposed to be exerting yourself Will!"

He chuckled and began to kiss me again, "Don't worry, I'll keep my heart rate down."

We made out like teenagers for a long time, relishing in each other's touch. Eventually though, I pulled away and swiped my thumb over his bottom lip, searching his eyes.

"I love you."

Wilmer smiled and tucked a piece of my hair back behind my ears, "I love you too."


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Twitter: Lovatic_Chica


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