Drabble #5

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PROMPT: Ok you should do one talking about dilmer after the staples center and talk about the jacket and Wilmer taking pics and you're good at this so yah  

Demi's POV 

        I had a huge smile on my face after I got off of the stage after my encore. The Staples Center. The fucking Staples Center. My fans are the best. As I walked below the stage and emerged to the open area I was surrounded by hugs and congratulations. As I finally was released by everyone I craned my neck, trying to find the one person I wanted to hold me right now. 


I turned and let out a squeal as Wilmer walked over with a huge smile on his face. I ran to him and jumped into his arms, giggling as he spun me around. 

"Congrats nena, you earned it." He murmured in my ear, and I pulled back slightly. 

"Thank you baby." I pushed my lips against his with more intensity than I probably should of, considering we were still in public, although everyone around us were close friends and family. 

"Demi you need to come take pictures." One of my managers touched my shoulder and I kissed Wilmer one more time. 

"You're staying with me tonight right?" 

He nodded and leaned his forehead against mine, "Nothing could pull me away." 

A shiver went through me, all of the heat form the stage lights and being plunged into an AC'd room made me suddenly freezing. 

"Here." Wilmer said, noticing my discomfort, and handed me his leather jacket which Id raped over my shoulders and inhaled his cologne. 

"Thank you." 

I kissed his cheek and a stage hand led me to the line of press waiting to take pictures. After smiling and having a short conversation with each of us I found myself back at Wilmer's side, my hand on the smll of his back protectively. I hadn't seen him in so long, I wanted to make sure he didn't leave me before he absolutely had to. 

"Demi can we get a picture?" I turned to see my mom, sister, grandma, aunt and baby niece who was sleeping in a stroller, smiling at me. 

"Uhm duh? Wilmer can you take it?" 

He nodded and I unwillingly let go of him to pose with my family in front of the sleeping baby. 

"Ready one... two...." Wilmer trailed off and we all awkwardly stood there smiling. "Hang on...." 

Maddie and her friend burst into laughter and I rolled my eyes, "I knew you would do this shit." 

Wilmer chuckled and furrowed his brow, "Hang on... it's not focused." 

I groaned, "No it is baby just take the picture!" 

Eventually, Wilmer turned off the video and we were able to take the picture. 

"Was that really necessary?" I giggled, walking into his arms again. 

"I don't know what you're taking about." 

I looked up at him, trying to look stern but failing as he pulled a funny face and I ended up laughing. 

"I love you so much." I whispered, leaning up to kiss him as the busy people around us seemed to slow as he kissed me back deeply. 

"I love you too mi hermosa." 


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Request: Ask.fm/lovatic_Chica


Dilmer Drabbles. (Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderamma)Where stories live. Discover now