Drabble #19

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Prompt: demi and wilmer snuggling and watching a movie and wilmer's notifications are going crazy bc of demi's interview about almost rehab last summer and they talk about it.

Demi's POV

I was laying on the bed scrolling through my messages when Wilmer walked in staring at his phone.

"What's up babe?" I asked, as his brow furrowed.

"Your fans found the interview you did for fitness about you almost going back last summer."

I sighed, "Well we knew this was bound to happen at some point. Go on, what are they saying?"

He sat down next to me and looked back at his phone, "Most of them are just telling you to stay strong and thanking me for noticing. Some are freaking out because none of them noticed anything."

I nodded, and leaned back on the pillows, "I shouldn't have ever said that, now they're just going to be more worried."

Wilmer put one arm around my waist and pulled me close to him, "Don't think like that nena, they love you a lot. It's okay for them to be worried but you have to show them that you're stronger than your past."

I smiled a bit and leaned up to kiss him, "But I never really did thank you for noticing..."


I stared at the food Wilmer placed in front of me and closed my eyes, slowly lifting my fork and blindly stabbing a piece of chicken as I lifted it to my mouth and chewed it to a pulp. Once I swallowed I opened my eyes to see Wilmer staring at me, his eyes sad.

"What?" I snapped, and he just shook his head, going back to eating. I took a few more small bites, chewing them for over a minute each. As I swallowed I couldn't help but grimace.

"Demi." Wilmer was looking at me again with the same expression and I shook my head.

"Stop it, leave me alone." I stood up and walked to the kitchen but Wilmer grabbed my wrist and pulled my waist to his so our chests were together, looking deep into my eyes.

"No. I'm not gonna stop. I'm not going to sit back and watch you do this to yourself Demi." He stated, and I tried to pull away but he held me fast. "It's either you stop this or I'm telling your management and you're going back."

I froze, a whimper escaping my mouth, "You wouldn't do that."

He nodded, "You know I would, and I will if you don't stop this."

Tears began to run down my cheeks as I struggled against his hold, "You can't do this! I see myself Wilmer! I know I'm getting fat! I know I am and don't even deny it!"

He shook his head, "Demi you are not fat. You're perfect baby it kills me to see you like this. I need you to jstop this, because if you don't I won't hesitate in telling Phil."

I hit his chest and shoved out of his arms, "You can't do that!"

His arms dropped to his sides, "I can, and I will. Even if it means the end of us, even if it makes you hate me forever I'll take that over you hating yourself."

I shook my head, "I'm fine! I don't need your help!"

He shook his head, "Demi, I can't watch you do this to yourself all over again. You are going back if you don't start getting serious about your recovery. You are not fat nena, you're the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. It hurts that you don't see that baby. I love you, and that's why I'm doing this."

~* End Flashback*~

"I'm so happy you noticed something was wrong. I know it was hard for you to give me that make it or break it decision but I love you more for it."

Wilmer smiled and wrapped his arms around me, "Your recovery will always come before us, no matter what. I'm not selfish enough to ask you to just put aside something you've worked so hard on, but I don't think you would do that either."


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