Drabble #7

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PROMPT: Demi finds out Wilmer is cheating on her pleaaaasse :)

Demi's POV

I stared at the phone screen, the picture of Wilmer's mouth pressed against the stripper's was now burned into my mind as I continued to stare at it is disbelief. An anonymous number had sent this to me along with a text asking me if I really knew who my boyfriend of five years really was. The sound of a lock scraping into the door made me jump, and soon it opened to reveal Wilmer standing there with a smile.

"Hey baby sorry I'm late, I was stuck in traffic on the way home from the set-"

"Get out." I hissed, cutting him off as he took a step back.

"Demi what are you-" He ducked as I chucked a book at his head.

"GET OUT! I HATE YOU!" I screamed, falling to my knees on the floor and breaking into sobs.

"Demi what happened? Tell me ba-"

"No! You can't call me that! You cheated on me Wilmer! Don't even bother denying it."

His face went white as I threw my phone at him and he stared at the picture.

"Demi..." He said, looking for something to even defend himself with.

"I want all of your stuff out tonight. All of it. I don't care if it takes all night. I hate you. I fucking hate you Wilmer."

His expression was torturous to watch as his shoulders slumped and he nodded, walking into the bedroom to pack a suitcase. I sat on the couch and buried my head into my hands. How could he do this to me? How could he hurt me like this when he promised not to ever do this to me. Everyone told me I should expect it, but I didn't believe them.

"Demi." His voice made me look up. He was crying, tears running down his face. "Don't do this. It was one time and it didn't mean anything."

I shook my head, "Wilmer I can't do this. I hate you."

He walked over to kneel in front of me, "Do you? Tell me you don't love me and I'll never contact you again. Tell me you don't love me, not that you hate me, but that you don't love me."

I wiped my face, "Wilmer of course I love you! I fucking love you so much and that's why this hurts so bad, because in that moment, you didn't love me. You couldn't of."

He took a deep breath, "Demi listen to me baby I know it looks bad but that was just one time, I was drunk."

I threw my hands in the air, "Does that make it okay at all?!'

He shook his head obediently, "No it doesn't! But I promise from this day on I'll never get drunk again. I'll never go to a club if you're not with me just please Hermosa don't do this to me, to us."

I shook my head as his head fell onto my chest, "Please." He whispered again, "Don't Demi. I love you."

I could feel my willpower breaking, but using all that's left of it, I lifted his head off of my chest and pressed my lips to his passionately before breaking away.

"I know you do, but I can't do this. I'm so sorry."


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Twitter: @Lovatic_Chica


Dilmer Drabbles. (Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderamma)Where stories live. Discover now