Drabble #12

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PROMPT: Dilmer before Demi leaves for Europe. 

Demi's POV 

        I let out a shaky breath as another round of tears fell down my cheeks and I buried my face into Wilmer's neck. 

"I don't wanna leave you." I whispered against his skin, hugging him tightly. We'd just gotten into the car to start the hour long ride to the airport, and I still wasn't ready to say goodbye to Wilmer for so long. Sure we could skype and call but it still wasn't the same as having him next to me. 

"You're gonna have so much fun baby." He said, stroking my back as I curled up on his lap and shook my head. 

"But I wanna take you with me. I want you to be able to go everywhere with me and not care what anyone thinks." 

Wilmer nodded, "I know Hermosa me too, but you need to focus while you're on tour. I'm gonna call you every night no matter what time it is and we can talk about you day okay?" 

I sighed miserably and laid my head on his chest, I'd spent so much time with him on my break between tour legs that I forgot I'd eventually have to say goodbye. 

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I said, my voice cracking as I burst into a fresh round of tears. 

"I know baby I'm gonna miss you too, but we gotta focus on the bright side. Absence makes the heart grow fonder right?" 

I shook my head, "Absence makes me fucking miss you so much it hurts." 

He sighed, "I'm sorry nena, I wish there was something I could do. We'll see each other soon." 

I too let out a sigh and laid my head on his chest again, staring numbly out of the window as his arms tightened around me. The time passed too quickly, it felt like only seconds had gone by when we pulled up the airport and the driver got out. 

"Okay Demi time to go." 

I whimpered and clutched at his t-shirt, "I love you so so so much okay? I'm gonna be back and we're gonna be together again and it'll be like I never left okay?" 

Wilmer nodded and I leaned down, pressing my lips on his passionately, kissing him with all that I had as I mentally prepared to leave the love of my life for my other loves, my fans, my music, and my dream. 


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Twitter: @Lovatic_Chica

REQUEST: ask.fm/lovatic_chica


Dilmer Drabbles. (Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderamma)Where stories live. Discover now