Chapter 1

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Sarah arrived in the dojo of the CIA's facility the next morning. She was ready to practice with Chuck. She was in a singlet, short shorts and sneakers. Her hair was up in a pony tail and she had her drink bottle with her.

She arrived to see Chuck, throwing kicks and punches at a punching bag. He was wearing a plain blue t-shirt and track pants along with sneakers. He was warming up and already had a little bit of swear falling down his face.

"Ready?" Sarah asks.

Chuck stops and brings the punching bag to a halt. He nods at Sarah, "What do you want to start with?"

"How much Tae Kwon Do do you know?" Sarah asks.

"Enough to fight with. I haven't done it since training at the farm. It could come back to me though." Chuck says.

"Let's go then, Bartowski." Sarah says, smiling a bit and getting ini her ready stance.

Chuck gets into a reading stance, yelling like they do during Tae Kwon Do fights.

Sarah's light on her feet and throws a round kick to his head but he raises his arms to block it then lowers them once she's lowered her foot.

"Nice strike, Walker but need to be quicker next time." Chuck says with a smirk.

Sarah smiles. Chuck throws a fifteen degree kick at her abdomen but she slides back to do a counter kick to his abdomen. He gets a bit winded but he recovers quickly.

"Nice shot." Chuck says, his voice just a bit quiet since he still is a bit winded. He tries a side kick with the heel/arch of his foot. He gets it to her abdomen and it pushes her back, making her stumble backwards. She is quick though and gains balance quickly.

Chuck is impressed with Sarah's skills with Tae Kwon Do.

"I'm impressed, Agent Walker." Chuck says, a bit of breath but still smiling.

"Since we are now stuck being partners, call me Sarah." Sarah says as she goes to get a drink of water.

"As long as you call me Chuck." Chuck says.

"Okay Chuck." Sarah says with a smile. She then realised she's never smiled this much before. It's quite shocking for her. But she likes it.

"What about we bring out the poles for a bit of samurai style?" Chuck asks, grabbing two bamboo poles. He throws one to Sarah who catches it gracefully.

Sarah does the first strike. Chuck blocks it then he tries to strike but Sarah blocks it then successfully strikes him. It might of been a little too hard though since he doubles over.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asks, dropping the pole.

"" Chuck wheezes out. He definitely is winded this time.

"I'm gonna guess that you've never been the best with this fighting style?" Sarah asks.

Chuck nods.

"Why don't you catch your breath back, we do something different then we can head to the shooting range?" Sarah asks.

Something about mentioning shooting range makes Chuck look a little terrified but she shrugs it off.


They go the shooting range after a bit more training. Sarah loads up her pistol while Chuck studies the guns.

"You gonna load or just browse?" Sarah asks.

"Huh," Chuck says, sounding like he was daydreaming, "Um, I'm just taking my time at picking out a good choice of gun."

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