Chapter 2

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New People In This:
Mini Anden as Carina Miller
Iqbal Theba (Glee's Principal Figgins) as Peyman Alahi
Chuck and Sarah had been in LA for a day already, staying in separate neighbouring hotel rooms. Sarah was finishing up reports from her last mission when she decided to brief Chuck on Carina and Peyman Alahi a bit. She's read his file and wanted to tell Chuck what to expect with their mission tomorrow.
She went to his hotel room and knocked on the door. She could hear him talking but she didn't hear another voice. The door then opened and Chuck was on other side with a phone in one hand and opening the door with the other. He smiles in hello to Sarah and nods for her to come in but carries on talking to who ever he's talking with on the phone.
"I've got to go, El...My partner is here...Say hi to Awesome for me...Yes, I still call him Captain Awesome...Because he is Awesome, that's why...Also, you heard from Morgan lately?...Really?...That's awesome...Next time you see him, tell him hi from me...I know you still find him to be creepy but he's my best friend...Yes, he has a creepy crush on's not my fault he likes you...I have to go, Ellie...I miss you too....Bye." Chuck hangs up with a sigh. He sits down on the bed. Sarah sits next to him.
"Was that your sister?" Sarah asks.
"Yeah. She is basically begging me to visit her while I'm in LA but I told her I have a job to do and she gets it." Chuck says.
"Because she knows your a spy?" Sarah says.
"Ellie, Awesome and Morgan all know that I'm a spy and being a spy, it puts me in danger and I have to travel a lot." Chuck says.
"It's sweet that you didn't want to keep your spy life hidden from your family."
"Well, they are my family. They deserve to know."
Sarah smiles then changes subject, "Carina is going to be here in about an hour so just remember she is a wildcard, very seductive and do not trust her."
"She's a bit of a bitch."
Chuck nods, "Okay then. What about Alahi? What do you know about him?"
"He's quite fond of ladies so that means Carina and I might need to seduce him as a way of distraction." Sarah says.
"That could work." Chuck says.
"We hope so. That diamond is important for the DEA apparently so we need to get for them before Alahi uses for the drug smuggling." Sarah says.
Chuck opens his mouth but Any Way You Want It by Journey begins to play through the room. He smiles, looks over at his phone, "It's my buddy, Morgan. I should probably answer this." Chuck says.
"Go ahead." Sarah says, getting up and heading to leave the room. She hears Chuck greet his friend with a cheerful tone as she leaves.
Sarah goes out into the hallway and looks from left to right. Right on cue, a ginger haired woman with a light array of freckles on her face and beautiful cheekbones walks down the hallway in a black suit with a skirt. She looks like she should be a model walking the runway but instead, she's an agent for the DEA.
"Carina." Sarah mumbles. She walks up to the red headed agent.
"Hello Walker." Carina says.
"Hi Carina." Sarah says.
"I heard you have a cute partner. Where is he?" Carina asks.
"In his hotel room on the phone." Sarah says.
"Is he single?" Carina asks.
Sarah glares a bit at Carina, "Seriously, Carina? That's all you want to know."
"Well, if he's cute and not taken, I can have a little fun on this mission, can't I?" Carina asks with a smirk.
"This is business, not pleasure, Carina." Sarah says, strictly.
"Stop being such a party pooper, Walker," Carina says, "I was just kidding with you."
"Totally, Carina." Sarah says with an unbelieving tone.
"Should we meet up with this partner of yours?" Carina asks, going towards the hotel room Sarah just came out of. Carina knocks then Chuck answers with his phone in hand and ending a call.
"You must Walker's partner. I'm Carina Miller." Carina says with a seductive smirk. She puts her hand out for Chuck to shake it.
Chuck shakes her hand, "I am Sarah's partner. Agent Charles Bartowski but people call me Chuck."
"Nice to meet you, Chuck. Shall we start planning our mission?" Carina asks. Chuck nods them Sarah does.
The next day, the three agents went to Peyman Alahi's beach house party. Girls were all around them in skimpy bikinis and there were guys wandering around in flash clothes. Alahi was by the pool, flirting with woman. He had his arms around them and wearing a speedo. He had a very hairy body.
Chuck was wearing white-ish pants, a white suit jacket and a t-shirt. Sarah was wearing a bit of a reveal beach dress. Carina though opted for a black tank top and short denim shorts.
Chuck and Sarah walk along the side of the pool while Carina goes to flirt with a guard. She's trying to get the location of the diamond
"Alahi is as hairy as a Wookiee." Chuck says.
"What?" Sarah asks.
"You don't know what Wookiee's are?" Chuck asks.
Sarah shakes her head.
"I'll just leave it." Chuck says.
Carina approaches the two, "It's in a safe in the left wing. The guard doesn't suspect a thing about it." The red head smirks then leads the two to the left of the house.
Sarah uses a hair clip to pick the lock of the room and then opens it. The three agents enter the room and go down a staircase. It's all white and futuristic kind of style. Clearly, Alahi does well in the drug smuggling industry to buy a place like this.
Chuck lets out a whistle, "Man, this place is awesome."
Carina points to the closed off room near the staircase, "It's in here." She types something into the keypad and door slides up, revealing a small white room. Inside and on a podium, a diamond sits in a spotlight. On the walls are famous paintings.
"Drug smuggling must pay well." Chuck says, distracted by the paintings on the walls.
"Are there any security systems?" Sarah asks, studying the podium.
Chuck turns around from looking at the paintings and studies the podium for a moment then something clicks, "The security is invisible."
"So it's like a laser force field?" Carina asks.
Chuck nods, "Pretty much."
"We just have to grab it and run then." Carina says.
"Not so fast." A voice says. The agents look at the entrance to the vault to see Peyman Alahi standing there with two security guards carrying pistols.
Chuck puts his hands behind his back, reaches into the back of jeans to find his tranq pistol, the handle sticking out on his back. He looks over at Sarah, who also has her hands behind her back, and nods at her. She nods back at him.
He pulls out the tranq gun and fires a tranquilliser bullet at a guard, hiring him the neck. He goes down with a thud while the other begins to fire. Alahi hides behind the wall.
Chuck hides behind the podium while Sarah fires her gun a few more times, missing the guard. She goes in front of Chuck behind the podium while Carina grabs the diamond, setting off the security system.
"Run!" Chuck shouts. He fires a tranquilliser bullet and it hits the other guard.
They run out of the vault as it starts to close on them. They just escape before it does with Chuck sliding under the door. Alahi has started to run so Carina chases after him.
Sarah helps Chuck up after he slide under the door and the two rush up the stairs and out of the left side of the house. They run down to where the pool is and where Carina is chasing after Alahi.
Sarah grabs a plate from a stranger and throws it at Alahi like a ninja star.
It hits Alahi in the face, knocking him out. Chuck then reaches into his own pocket and takes out a pair of hand cuffs to arrest Alahi.
"Let's get out of here." Chuck says. More guards begin to arrive so Chuck picks up Alahi and puts him over his shoulder. He uses hand to support the knocked out hairy and speedo wearing man and the other to fire tranquilliser bullets at the guards. Sarah uses her gun to shoot at the guards while Carina uses her knowledge of martial arts to knock out guards.
They reach the vehicle they arrived in and put Alahi in the backseat with Chuck. Carina gets into the passengers seat and Sarah's in the driver's seat.
"Well done agents." Graham congratulates over video conference in Chuck's hotel room. Alahi is still knocked out and hand cuffed. He's sitting in a chair with his head down. He's still wearing the speedo though.
"Thank you, Director Graham." Chuck says with a smile.
"Agent Miller, I hope your superiors are happy with the capture of the diamond and Alahi." Graham says.
"They will be." Carina says with a small smile.
"Agents Bartowski and Walker, you two clearly make a good team already. I'm glad I put you two together." Graham says.
"Thank you, Director Graham." Sarah says. She sends a smile over a Chuck who half smiles back with a nod.
"Agent Miller, I suspect that you will need to get back to the DEA Headquarters," Graham says and Carina nods, "So Bartowski and Walker, I am going to let you two have the day off tomorrow. Enjoy LA," Graham looks at Chuck, "Go spend time with your family. You are dismissed."
Carina turns to the two CIA agents, "You two do make a good team."
"It was good seeing you again, Carina after a few years." Sarah says.
"You two Walker," Carina says, "It was nice meeting you, Chuckles."
"Nice meeting you too, Carina." Chuck says.
Carina gives Sarah a quick hug then says goodbye in Russian. Sarah replies in Polish then the red head is gone with the diamond and Alahi, who is awake and annoyed.
Chuck faces Sarah, "Do you want to come spend time with my family tomorrow or do you want to spend a day alone?"
"I'd love to spend time with your family. It would be nice to meet your sister, your best friend and your sister's boyfriend." Sarah says.
"Awesome." Chuck says with a smile.
Chuck and Sarah walk through the courtyard of Echo Park apartments about mid afternoon the next day. It's a small complex that is in a square shape. In the centre of the courtyard is a fountain. In the complex there are four apartments.
Inside one of the four apartment, Ellie Bartowski and Devon Woodcomb await.
"Ready?" Chuck asks Sarah as they reach the front of the apartment.
"Ready." Sarah sighs out. Chuck warned her about how intense Ellie can get so over night she prepared herself.
Chuck lifts his hand to knock on the front door but before he can, the door is swung open and a brunette woman hugs Chuck tightly.
"Hey Ellie." Chuck breathes out, feeling so much oxygen leave his body by the pressure Ellie's hug has on him.
"It's so good to see you, Chuck." Ellie says then releases her younger brother. Ellie is shorter than Chuck by a bit but is older. She has long brown hair with bangs and brown eyes, like Chuck.
Chuck coughs, "Ellie, this is Sarah Walker, my CIA partner." He gestures to Sarah next to him.
"Hi." Sarah says with a wave and a small smile.
"Your so pretty," Ellie says, "I said that aloud didn't I?"
Sarah and Chuck both nod.
"Come on in, you two." Ellie says, waving them in. The two agents enter the small apartment. It's a living room with a dining room next to it then a kitchen joining onto it. In the kitchen stands a tall, shirtless but muscular, dirty blonde guy. He has a huge smile on his face.
"Chuckster!" The guy shouts and goes up to Chuck and encloses him in a man hug.
"Hey Awesome." Chuck breathes out.
"Chuck, his name is Devon, not Awesome." Ellie tells Chuck off.
Devon/Awesome releases Chuck. The muscular man sees Sarah and smiles at her, "Hi. I'm Devon Woodcomb, most people call me Captain Awesome or just Awesome." Devon puts his hand out for Sarah to shake it.
Sarah shakes it, "Sarah Walker."
After a few hours, it's dinner so Chuck and Sarah stay for that. The four sit at the dining table with a meal that Ellie had perfectly prepared then the doorbell rings. Chuck says that he'll answer and he gets up. Everyone hears and excited "Chuck!" then an "oomph" from Chuck.
Hugging onto Chuck like a koala, is a short bearded man with a short fringe of black hair. Chuck walks towards the table with the bearded man still attached to him.
The bearded one gets off Chuck at the sight of Sarah, "Hi, I'm Morgan Grimes. You must be Vicky Vale."
"What? Who's Vicky Vale? I'm Sarah Walker." Sarah says, a bit confused.
Morgan clears his throat, "Stop the presses! Who is that? Vicky Vale!"
Chuck begins to beat box and make it look like he's scratching a DJ turntable, "Vicky Vale, Vi- Vicky Vale, Vickity Vickity, Vicky Vale, Vi- Vicky Va..." He sees the disapproving look from his sister and stops.
"It's from Batman." Chuck says.
"Because that makes it better." Ellie says.
Chuck sits back down near Sarah and Morgan sits next to him. They all enjoy the meal and Chuck tells some spy stories that he is allowed to tell. Morgan is the most impressed by all these, thinking his best friend is a total badass James Bond style spy.
"That is awesome, Chuckster." Devon says at the end of one of Chuck's stories.
"As long as you were safe, I'm happy." Ellie says.
"I wish I could be a badass spy but I'm stuck in the Buy More at a green shirt." Morgan says.
"The Buy More isn't that bad." Chuck says.
"Yeah it is." Morgan says.
"Harry Tang still working there?" Chuck asks.
"Yup." Morgan says.
"Who's Harry Tang?" Sarah asks.
"A complete douche and ass-man of the Buy More." Morgan complains.
"He's the assistant manager?" Chuck asks.
"Sadly, yes. Big Mike hired him last week as ass-man." Morgan says.
Sarah listens as the two best friends complain about Harry Tang and the Buy More. They mention other people like Anna Wu, Jeff Barnes, Lester Patel, Jeffster (some cover band that the workers, Jeff and Lester have) and other employees.
It starts getting late and Chuck and Sarah leave because they have a flight back to DC the next day.
"That was nice." Sarah says.
"Yeah it was. I hope my family weren't so intense." Chuck says.
"No they were. Ellie is kind, Morgan is funny and Devon is awesome." Sarah says.
Chuck laughs a bit at Sarah's choice of word to describe Devon, "Yeah, they're all awesome."
"I liked it. They're good people." Sarah says.
"Yeah. I must've gotten all my kindness from Ellie since she practically raised me." Chuck says.
"She did?" Sarah asks.
They reach Chuck's rental car and both get in. After they start the engine up and leave the apartment complex, Chuck speaks again.
"I was ten when my mom left. She left without telling anyone where she was going. When I joined the CIA, I began guessing if she was a spy but never had the chance to look into it." Chuck says.
"What about you dad? Where was he?" Sarah asks.
"He was at home but never in our lives properly. He left us when I was about 13 or 14." Chuck says.
Sarah thought she had tough with her con man of a father and having to move from town to town under different names. Chuck's parents left him and his sister. That's worse.

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