Chapter 3

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New Characters in this chapter:
Vik Sahay as Lester Patel
Scott Krinsky as Jeff Barnes
Julia Ling as Anna Wu
In the morning, Chuck and Sarah had to take a flight to DC so they could get their next mission.
Chuck lays in his hotel room bed, trying to sleep but he can't. He's just staring at the cream coloured roof. As he stared at the room, he heard the window in the bathroom open up. His eyes widened, still staring at the ceiling. He stopped breathing to hear the footsteps of whoever was in his room.
The footsteps came closer and closer to Chuck's bed so he reached under his pillow to grab his tranq gun. He liked to keep it under there in case an enemy attacked him while sleeping. He was a neurotic guy like that.
He pulled it out as he felt a knee pressuring on his bed. He held it up, ready to shoot at the intruder. The intruder is wearing full black spying outfit with a balaclava over their face.
"Hey Chuckles." A female voice says.
"Carina?" Chuck asks. He looks at what he's wearing; no top and pyjama pants. He's not that muscular but it's average sized muscles with a bit of hair in his chest.
"Nice." Carina says, taking his mask off with a smirk.
"What are you doing in my room?" Chuck asks, grabbing the grey t-shirt on his bedside table.
"What has Sarah told you about me?" Carina asks.
"That you're seductive and will go after any male who is breathing and attractive." Chuck says, feeling uncomfortable and getting out of bed.
"Well done, Chuckles." Carina says, taking off her black outfit to reveal a red set of lingerie.
"Hi-yo!" Chuck shouts.
"You seem scared." Carina says with a seductive tone. She puts her hands on Chuck shoulders and slowly slides them down his chest. She stops at the bottom of his shirt.
"Why? Why are you flirting with me? I'm not normally the guy who girls like you flirt with." Chuck asks, feel extremely uncomfortable.
"I always love to take what Sarah wants." Carina says.
Chuck raises his eyebrow, "Sarah doesn't want me."
"She does but just doesn't know it yet. I know she wants you." Carina says.
"Can you please leave, Carina? It's 2am and I have a flight at 8am to take back to DC." Chuck says, he goes towards the door and opens it. Standing on the other side is Sarah who has a gun in her hand.
"I heard shouting. I came quickly. What's going on?" Sarah says, keeping her gun by her side.
Carina walks up to the door frame, zipping up her spy gear, "Hey Walker."
Sarah raises an eyebrow and looks at Chuck. He seems a little awkward about it.
"Bye Carina." Chuck says. Carina walks past him, smiling at both Chuck and Sarah.
Sarah looks at Chuck, "What happened?"
"She snuck into my hotel room, tried to seduce me and that's all." Chuck says.
Sarah nods, "See you in a few hours Chuck." She goes back to her hotel room and Chuck closes the door, going back to bed.
Hours pass and the two agents head back to DC. As soon as they arrive, they have a meeting with Graham in his office at the CIA facility.
"Your mission was more than a success, Bartowski and Walker. DEA's analysts have analysed the diamond and Agent Miller interrogated Alahi and the diamond really going to be used to fund Afghani terrorists cells." Graham says.
"Well done us." Chuck mumbles. Sarah sends a smile her partners way.
"After the success of this mission, we want you two to set up base in LA. To be exact, Burbank." Graham says.
"We're being based near my family?" Chuck asks.
"You two have a two bedroom apartment ready for you in a apartment building in Burbank. Your cover is just friends. Chuck, you will be working at the Buy More while Sarah, you will be working at the Wienerlicious across the street." Graham explains.
"Wienerlicious?" Sarah asks.
"A German hot dog restaurant. It's a pretty greasy place." Chuck says.
"Are you two okay with these covers?" Graham asks.
"What if our cover of being just friends is questioned by the amount of time we'll be spending together?" Sarah asks.
"What if your cover is to be a couple? Are you two okay with that?" Graham asks.
"Yup. Chuck? You okay with that?" Sarah asks. She's not trying to seem so excited but something about being Chuck's cover girlfriend makes her feel happy inside.
"Um, ah yes." Chuck stumbles out.
"Good. Pack your things. Your flight to LA is in three hours." Graham says.
After a few hours, Chuck carries the last of his bags into his new apartment. Sarah's handling her own bags and is right behind him when he enters. It's a small apartment on the fourth floor out of ten floors. As they enter, they're in the living room with a kitchen on their left with a dining room and on their right are three doors; two bedrooms and and a bathroom. The room is a creamy colour with darker doors. The kitchen has one of those window things.
"This is our new place." Chuck says, studying the first room.
"Looks like it." Sarah says.
"Do you want the first choice of room?" Chuck asks.
"Sure." Sarah says. She takes the closest of the two rooms. Chuck takes his stuff into the other room. He unpacks his bags into the wardrobe and drawers. In one of the drawers, sits a Nerd Herd uniform; short sleeve white button up shirt, grey tie, black pants and a pocket protector. He takes it out and lays it on the arm chair in the corner of his room. He then just collapses onto the bed.
In the neighbouring room, Sarah is a bit different with the whole unpacking thing. She places her open suitcase at the bottom of the wardrobe, finds her Wienerlicious outfit (white blouse with a black waistband topped red skirt with white dots).
She studies the outfit and pretty much guesses there will be cleavage in this outfit. She cringes at the thought of the creepy guys who will be trying to gaze down her cleavage. She shakes the thought off and just puts the outfit away in the drawers.
She then thinks about the last week while sitting on her bed. Just a week ago, she was on a mission to go get a briefcase containing important files and she was working alone. Now she's working with Chuck who she classes at someone she can really trust and he already seems to care about her already.
Chuck's a caring guy. He cares about his sister, his best friend and his sister's boyfriend. He doesn't use guns like her and other agents. He's not a killer and she hopes he never is. He's a good guy, someone who would never want to kill another person.
"Sarah?" Chuck voice asks, coming into the doorway of her room.
"Yes." Sarah says, looking up from her thoughts.
"My family are planning to come and visit soon. I'm just warning you now." Chuck says.
"That's okay. You're family are nice." Sarah says.
"And intense." Chuck says.
"But they're sweet." Sarah says with a smile.
Chuck smiles at her then goes to his room.
When it gets to about 3 in the afternoon, Ellie, Devon and Morgan have arrived. Morgan's wearing his Buy More green shirt with light brown pants and a yellow long sleeve top under his green shirt. He must've just finished his shift at work.
"Nice place." Morgan says, walking around the apartment and taking everything in.
"Thanks buddy." Chuck says.
"Our cover for being in LA is that we're a couple. I work at Wienerlicious and Chuck is working at the Nerd Herd Desk of the Buy More." Sarah explains.
"But you two aren't a couple?" Ellie asks.
"Well, we needed to explain to people why we are always going to be spending time together so to everyone else, we are a couple." Chuck says.
"It's just awesome that you're back in Burbank, Chuck." Devon says and raises his hand to hi-five Chuck.
"I think it is awesome to be back in the town I was raised in. It's also awesome to be back near my family so I get to see them more when I'm not on missions." Chuck says.
"What do you think about it, Sarah?" Ellie asks.
"I never really stayed in just one place when I was younger so hopefully, this could be a first since Burbank seems like a nice place to live." Sarah says.
"You'll love it here, don't worry." Ellie says.
Chuck drives him and Sarah to work the next day. He parks outside the Buy More in the large car park. Sarah has to just go across the street for work.
"You ready to start this cover?" Chuck asks before they before they get out of the car.
"Yup." Sarah says, smiling at Chuck.
"Let's begin." Chuck says. He gets out first, rushes to Sarah's side of the car to be a gentleman to open the door for her.
"Thank you, Chuck." Sarah says and pecks Chuck on the cheek to sell their cover.
"See you later, Sarah." Chuck says.
"See you later, Chuck." Sarah says then makes her way over to the Wienerlicious across the street.
Chuck walks into the Buy More, an electronics store that has a green and yellow theme. In the centre of the store is a white desk with red on it; the Nerd Herd desk.
"Bartowski, welcome back to Buy-Moria." An skinny Indian with long-ish black hair and a bit of facial hair. He is also wearing a Nerd Herd outfit with the collar spiked up though. Next to him is a fat and balding man who has a dumb look on his face.
"Ah, Lester Patel and Jeffrey Barnes. Long time, no see." Chuck says.
"Are you back to save us from Harry Tang?" Jeff asks.
"No. I'm here to work as a Nerd Herder." Chuck says and makes his way to the Nerd Herd desk at the centre of the store.
Morgan appears at the Nerd Herd desk after Chuck goes behind the desk.
"Welcome back to the Buy More. It's been a while since you last worked here, hasn't it?" Morgan asks.
"Yeah, it has." Chuck says. He used to work here during Summer breaks from Stanford. He made it to Nerd Herd supervisor but once he was hired by the CIA, he quit the Buy More for good.
An Asian girl with a goth theme of make up arrives at the Nerd Herd desk. Morgan straightens himself up and brushes his hair to make it look nicer.
"Anna Wu." Chuck says.
"Chuckles. It's been a while." Anna says.
"It has." Chuck says.
"Life without the Buy More not treating you well?" Anna asks.
"Sort of. My girlfriend and I wanted to be closer to my family and away from the bigger cities. Burbank is a nice place to be." Chuck says.
"Girlfriend?" Anna asks.
"Her name's Sarah. She works at the Wienerlicious." Morgan says, going along with Chuck's cover.
"Okay." Anna says then goes off towards the break room.
"Thanks for helping me sell the cover." Chuck tells Morgan.
"Your welcome, dude. Your my best fried and if you want to be a spy and have a cover girlfriend who should be like a model but really is a spy like you, then go ahead and I'll help." Morgan says.
"Again, thanks." Chuck says.
Picture on the side of Nerd Herd Chuck Bartowski (plus Morgan Grimes in his Green Shirt uniform)

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