The Vote!

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Hello, Tear here. So! The votes are in! And the score is.... (Pause for dramatic effect).......


I'm so sorry to the people who voted no johnlock, but I tried romaine it as fair as possible.

By the way, this isn't like focused on the johnlock. This is mostly about like, John trying to fix Sherlock

And all that stuff, so every chapter isn't going to have them snogging on the couch or something.

Just taking it slow as steady.

Oh! And another thing! I have SPOILERS for season three of Sherlock! If you wish not to have this new season spoiled, than do not read.

It's mostly only for the first episode.

So! John is at this party (fancy), when he freaks out and punches someone who (looks like) Sherlock. He gets mad, blah blah blah, they don't make up.

Meanwhile, Sherlock is depending on Molly to come with him on cases. So, that's pretty good for you Sherlolly shippers, yeah?

Mary Morstan- the future Mrs. Watson (damn her!)- is willing to work to get Sherlock and John to reconcile. They eventually do, and John shaves off his mustache!

But not before John is kidnapped by Sebastian Moran- who is actually the snipper who was gona kill John at Sherlocks fall- and Moran puts John in a bonefire! Sherlock and Mary run to Johns rescue, and save him, blah blah blah, Sherlock and John make up, and- get this- for Sherlocks token of sorry-ness (if that's actually a word), he wears the most dreaded deerstalker for the rest of the episode.

For the second episode, Sign of Three, the only thing I know so far is that it stands for the three Mor's. Moriarty, Moran, and Morstan. (Does that mean she's with them? I hope so!)

So, yeah. I'm super excited, and thank you so much for reading and voting! Love you all!


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