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Hello, Tear here.

Hey everyone! How are you? I'm fantastic after finally watching the new episodes of Sherlock. Yes, I do live in America, but I could wait any longer; I have my ways.

With that, I thought it'd be best to give all you amazing people some SPOILERS for Sherlock season 4 & 5!


Or read on, doesn't really matter. But hey, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

So, with that being said, let's get to the good stuff!

I don't have much, obviously, since season 3 just ended, but this is what I have for now.

Steven Moffat says that they are trying their best to get season 4 to us as soon as possible, there has been news that their also working on season 5.

For you Lestrade/Molly shippers, there is hope for you! There is supposed to be something indicating something of that ship.

How Moriarty survived:

I haven't got a clue. Well, a little bit of one, but I'll tell you about that another time. One thing that gets to me, though, is that Steven Moffat had been asked if Moriarty will be coming back, and he had replied with, "Sorry, but he was shot in the head, no coming back from that!"

I guess sherlock is no longer a virgin, yes, I was wondering about that myself. That last episode basically implies that Sherlock had gone to the drug den every day and gone back to Baker Street at night to be with Jeannine. Which is pretty sad, really. Lost his virginity over a case. Now the only real question is was he high when he did it?

ONE THING I don't get. The bad guys eyes. At first I, as well as you all, thought it was his glasses that he was reading people with. Turns out we were wrong, it was his eyes. What I want to know is HOW. I would say that it's him pulling things he knows about them from his mind palace, but then he said he could always print things. Print things. Who can print things with their eyeballs? I'm guessing he had some type of surgery or something, but dag, who just gets surgery for that? Who goes up to a doctor and says "oh, hey, give me some robotic eyes or I'll blackmail you"? Yeah. That I don't get.

MAJOR thing right here: Sherlocks 'brother'. There was a rumor back in June I remember hearing that Sherlock will come face to his brother of the same name. When I had heard this I had burrowed it deep down into my Mind Palace and seemingly forgotten about it.

(Yes, I have a mind palace- or more a mind forest- just I'm always forgetting to use it when I need it. How ironic.)

Now, I'm coming back to those suspicions. In the last episode, 'His Last Vow', Mycroft had said "I am not one to have emotional outburst about my brother- you know what happened to the other one". Some people say he was talking about their dog, redbeard. Which, if you think about it, doesn't make any kind of sense, what so ever.

Why would Mycroft jump from talking about defending his brother to his dog like that? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they loved that dog very much and he was a part of the family and all, but, to jump from that to that, is a big leap.

Also, I highly doubt the government person he was talking to knew about their family pet.

Which leaves me to conclude, that yes, perhaps their is a small possibility that Sherlock could have a brother of the same name.

Which really doesn't have to mean his name is Sherlock.

Think about it, at the end of 'His Last Vow', Sherlock saw that his full name is William Sherlock Scott Holmes. (Knew his majesty would have four bloody names). So his brother could be called William, or Scott, or maybe yes, Sherlock.

Which is- again- very weird, because a few months ago I was thinking of writing a fan fiction where Sherlock has a twin brother named Will. Short for Willard, but still.

I thought maybe this 'other Sherlock'- as I'll call him- might have 'died' wen they were children, or maybe he just ran away, or something like that. No one was ever able to find him.

Here's one of my theories:

He was kidnapped by someone when he was a kid. Whoever did so made it look like he had been killed, or maybe the police had just given up looking for him, either way. Some one had raised him, but like a ninja. Well, not a ninja, obviously, but basically training him to kill. If you think about it, it's amazing how many places kids can sneak into. Let a little helpless kid looking for his mum in and BAM! He kills you. The perfect assassin, nobody would ever believe it was him. Pretty clever, actually.

Maybe Moriarty's return has something to with it. Maybe he had 'bought' this 'other Sherlock' and has him as one of his hit men. Trained to kill.

Well, killing is the new sexy.

Anyway! That's all for now, thank you very much for listening to my babbling! Love you all, GOODNIGHT!


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