Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Partners, Part 2

"So, what civilizations or religions would you like to choose?" John asks. He thought it would be better to let Sherlock pick, wouldn't want to get on his bad side.

Not that he isn't already there.

They both sat in the chemistry lab during free period, having discussed that they would meet here everyday to work on their project. John wasn't sure that'd be enough time, though. He was sitting to the left of Sherlock, taking notes on what they were going to do.

Rather than answering his question, Sherlock asks, "Why are you doing this project? Surely as a new student you shouldn't have to do the same thing wee been working towards for months." He inquired.

"I was studying the same thing in my old school." John simply stated, "I already know the basics."

Sherlock nearly growled. No way out of this? Fine then.

"Buddhism, the Ch'in dynasty, the T'ang dynasty, and the Sumerians." He told him. John wrote it down in his note pad.

"Okay," John smiled, happy that they were finally getting somewhere. "Poster board, video, or floor model?"

Sherlock blinked. "Floor model?" He asks stupidly.

"Yeah, showing how each of them lived. We could show what they are, where they lived. Agriculture, you know, that kind of stuff. It's easier to see the differences in them that way, because they'd all be side by side."

Hm. Alright. Quite smart. For an idiot, that is.

Sherlock looked at him. "Uh, yeah, yes, that seems.. Alright."

John wrote this down too. "Floor model it is then."

Sherlock nodded. "Floor model it is."

John looked at him before glancing away, and back again. His mouth twitched but didn't open, and he dug his fingernails into his palm.

"What would you like to ask me?" Sherlock asked.

Johns eyes snapped to his. "How'd you know I wanted to ask you something?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes, "Please, you keep looking at me with your mouth twitching, but your hesitant, so you don't say anything and look away. I can tell its a question considering the confused look on your face, and going by the sweat forming on your hair line, I'd say that your nervous of my reaction. So I'll ask again, keep in mind I dislike repeating myself, what do you want to ask me?"

John stared at him, mouth agape. "Wow! All of that, how'd you do that? It's just like at the funeral!" He exclaimed.

Sherlock tilted his head a bit. "Funeral? What funeral?"

Johns smiled faded a bit. "Uh, you know, the one from Saturday? Two days ago? Your.. Dads?"

Sherlock frowned and shook his head. "He didn't have a funeral."

"Yes, he did. We were both there, remember?" He asked softly.

Sherlocks frown deepened before he dismissed it with a wave of his hand. "Must've deleted it."

"Deleted it? What do you mean 'deleted it'?" John asked.

"Never mind that, your question?"

"Deleted it, like, from memory?" John wrinkled his nose. "People can't just 'delete' things." He continued.

Sherlock sighed. "Well I can and I do. Your question, now please." He snapped.

John looked down. "Oh, yes. That, right. I was thinking that, this probably won't get it done fast enough.. We should probably meet after school, like it doesn't have to be one of our houses, if you don't want it to be. It can just be somewhere else, like, I don't know," he rambled.

"Yes." Sherlock said. "If that's what it takes to get this done faster, I suppose so. Your house after school." He stood and walked away without another word, disappearing through the door just as the bell rang.

After school, my place, John thought.

John smiled. He didn't know why, but he did.

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