Chapter one

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Ever had a time when you hated your parents because they would not let you do something you want? Well in this case, that is the situation.

"Look here my so-called dad, I don't wanna go." I stated.

"Well hun you've gotta go whether you like it or not." His wife snapped.

"Just go pack your things! And if I hear you complaining or whining about the matter right now, I'll make sure you won't be bringing that phone with you."


I went straight to my room and packed all valuable things and things I need. After that I showered and went down to grab some snacks off the shelves. I had a debate to grab everything or not.

I decided to not do it or else my bag will be overloaded. Then a taxi honked the horn outside. I dashed up, grabbed my bag and add the snacks. I slung it over my shoulder and went out. I opened the car door and sat down. The driver started the car and drove.

I watched the view outside the taxi as we passed roads. I read the letter to pass some time. Apparently, my uncle also had a saying in the matter but he didn't help me according to the letter.

Hmph, he's also probably to get rid of me. I thought. I don't care, cause I hated him too. I dismissed my thoughts and reached out to my bag to get my mp3 and earphones and plugged it in my ears.

I removed my earphones when the car came to a halt. The driver turned to me.

"Ma'am we're here." The driver told me. I nodded and went out the car to pick up my things. I looked up and saw a creepy mansion. Well I guess I'll be living in a creepy mansion.

I gathered my things from the car's trunk and closed it. The driver sped away immediately, hmm, I wonder why. I went to the door, stood there for a while contemplating whether I should go in or not. I decided to go in and saw an old victorian-themed living room. I didn't see anyone so I sat on one of the sofas. I took my phone out and checked it.

Suddenly, someone appeared out of nowhere the man had glasses on and he glared at me. I was slightly annoyed so I dug out a paper and handed it to him. It was the letter. I could tell he was interested in it. Then an annoying-looking red head appeared behind him.

"Ne? Who's this Reiji?" The red head asked. He had red hair, cat-like green eyes and looked as if he was this arrogant man. 'Clearly one with his posture' I thought.

"Sent from him I see."

He hand me back the paper, I heard noises and suddenly other people appeared.

"Fufu~ a human in here?" A man with a fedora said.

"I can smell her blood." This time, a boy who had purple hair spoke out.

"I smell human in here." A guy with red eyes spoke out angrily and punched the wall beside him. I raised my eyebrow at his actions.

"Damn, someone needs to take anger management class or go to therapy." I muttered out.

"Shut up." I looked at where the voice came from and a blond was there. He appears to be sleeping. I stared at him, then he appeared beside me. I'll admit, I was nervous for a sec when I realized they're vampires however my other self was like 'why the fuq are you scared? They're vampires yeah but they would've killed you when they wanted to geez'.

"I'm not quite sure of the reason you're here however seeing as you're going to stay here for quite a while, we should introduce ourselves. My name is Sakamaki Reiji." He introduced himself. I slouched and squeezed my eyes in exasperation. 'I wanna sleep......this is guy is killing meeehhhhhh haaaaaahhhhh'.

"Lastly the one beside you is Sakamaki Shuu." I was happy that he was done and was shocked that I never felt something heavy on my thighs and realized it was the blond hair guy. I ran my hand through his hair, it was slightly rough but at the same time it was soft.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Totally not, I'm sorry. Look, I know you guys don't want me to be here, I don't wanna be here too. But, let's skip this shit and Mr. Sakamaki Reiji could help me find my room. Thank you." I moved Shuu's head to stand but he stopped my hand.

"I'll show her." He stated.


They all left but the narcissist red head stayed a bit.

"Oi, call me ore-sama." Then he disappeared. It was silent, I was sleepy so I laid my head back. That is until he sat up, pulled me down to lay with him. I turned and breath in his scent I adjusted myself into his shoulder blade (I'm sorry........the cringe....) I stayed awake until I could fall asleep. Soon, I fell asleep on top of him peacefully.

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