Chapter two

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"Don't leave me okay?"

"I won't I promise."

"Are you sure?"


The voice faded slowly echoing through the walls.

"I won't I promise."


"I will never leave you."

All voice jumbled all at once and I was slightly irritated on why voices were jumbled.

"I love you.....don't forget."

I was snapped out of the dream and onto the real world. I realized that I was on top of something. I clenched the warm soft cloth below me and groaned. 'Damn is it this soo fucking comfortable.. It smells nice too' I snuggled my face onto it.

"Dirty woman"

"Shi.....ze" (shit)

"Shhh" He pats my head. He teleported us out of the living room to another one. I lifted my head to look at the room. I decided not to care and I hugged him and shifted myself on top of him.

"Oi Shuu, its time to go to-" Narcissist started but then he stopped his sentence after barging on us.

"And bring her to Reiji by the way." I groaned at the thought of him. Dammit. That guy is boring! I can hear Shuu smirk, that little bitch. I decided to get off him and stretched. I turned and no one was there. I cursed in different languages and decided to go out to find Reiji. I went down the hallway down to the stairs I saw in my line of vision. I went down the stairs and saw that the house was basically empty except for the furniture that was in different parts of the house.

I gave up on finding him and when I turned to a corner saw that fedora guy standing meters away from me. What was his name again? Lait-o? Or Rait-o? I wasn't sure on how to pronounce that guy's name.  I will admit I was actually listening because one, I could not tune out Reiji's talking, two I was curious about them and three, it is valuable information.

He smirked at me and I tilted my head. He was holding a rose, twirling it around the stem. All in all he looked creepy as fuck and he was creeping me out, seriously. I walked towards him and his smirk widened into a weird smile.

"Nfu~ slut-chan, curious aren't you? I can smell you just from here." He was grinning now. 'Fuck me this guy's creepy as fuck' I stopped in my tracks as the thought settled into my mind. I started to get nervous. 'Shit, calm down, they're vampires they could hear your heartbeat, stay calm, nothing will help you.' I raised both of my arms up in surrender and walked away from him.

"Fufu~ scared? Hehe no need, I just need your blood." he suddenly appeared in front of me. I decided to shout Reiji's name cause I've got nothing to do at this situation, besides, he needed to see me anyways. He appeared and glared at both of us.

"Laito (use your own preference of his name, be it Raito or Laito) go to the limousine now. I will deal with the human." Laito teleported to somewhere. Reiji glared at me, slash the only thing he does to me other than talking.

"You are an annoying human." He stated angrily walking towards me. I backed up instinctively but he was still walking towards me. I hit the wall and he trapped me, caging me between his arms. He was so close that I could smell him.

By the way, he smells nice too.

Self, why are you even thinking of that right now?!

"You listen to me human." He got near my face. "This is our house and you treating it as yours is not something you would want to do. Am I clear?"

"Ok." I shrugged.

He let go and I followed him to a room that seems like it was his. I stopped by the door and he went in.


I stood at the door for a while, he came back with a uniform. 'Shit!'

"You will come to school with us today. Hurry up on changing, we might be late.  I expect you to be finished unpacking your things considering you didn't bring that much with you. Dinner will be served at different times. I will send someone to remind you for dinner.  Do you have any other questions?" He asked.


"Manners young lady." He scolded. I rolled my eyes at his behavior.

I grabbed the uniform and teleported to the room I was in this morning. I quickly changed into the uniform. I brushed my hair and tied it to a ponytail. I didn't bother spraying perfume on me as I walked out closing the door. I slung the bag over my shoulder and walked down. I saw the guy who punched the wall earlier looking at something. 'Oh hey! Its anger management classes man!'

"Hey." I approached him. He looked up at me and glared.

"Wanna go with me to the limo since I do not-"

"I don't. Leave me alone." Then he disappeared. I groaned and decided to look out the window that was beside me. I looked down and saw the limo, I decided to teleport there. I walked in the opened car door and saw them all inside. I closed the door beside me and sat between Shuu and that anger management classes guy. I looked at each of them and noticed that Reiji had cranberry juice with him, I love cranberry juice!

"Reiji? Can I have the cranberry juice?"

He tossed it to me and I stuck the straw in. I started sipping on the juice peacefully observing everyone. I'm wondering on how they weren't attacking or pestering each other. It's clear they hate each other or are not so fond of each other, but the reason is not clear.

Shuu rested his head on my shoulder. I noticed he was wearing earbuds so I poked it. He opened an eye and I noticed it was blue, a nice shade of blue. I continued poking one of it, he pulled it out and placed it on my ear.

"Sleep." He pat my head so I closed my eyes. I wonder, these guys had to have a secret that they are keeping to keep that made them like this right? However whatever it is, it's none of my business and I should respect their privacy right? Right? Right? Okay, shut up self.

-I was forced to- Diabolik lovers fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora