Dating a Vampire?

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I guess I'm obsessed with Vampires. And Weekends. Before you get creeped out about how many fangirls go for Vampire's, I must tell you that it's not the regular Vampire. I love weekends as well. But when I hear my two favorite things together, I sing and dance. Literally.

If you haven't realized what I'm talking about, then I will proceed to inform you. Vampire Weekend. The best of the best. The music that makes my heart sing. The band that makes you get out of your seat and jump and shout at the top of your lungs. Amazing. That's the only thing that I can say about them. 

The best part is, I'm dating Ezra Koenig. The one and only. The lead singer of Vampire Weekend. 

I'm not trying to promote them or anything, but you will know what magic sounds like after you hear their music. 

My story with him isn't that long but most people get impatient, so before anyone gets an aneurysm, I will begin my story and how on a gray weekend, I met the Vampire that changed my life.


DISCLAIMER: for those of you that may be fooled by my oh-so amazing writing skills and believe that this story is non-fiction, I'm sad to disappoint. This story is purely that, a story. The kind that you make up in your head when you're too tired to sleep so you think of an alternate universe. I'm also sorry to say that I am not gifted in writing any songs. Most of the lyrics you read are written by Vampire Weekend. Other than that, I think we are  good to go. Please enjoy this work of fiction.

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