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I was thinking about 'Wet Hair' and their amazing music. Their music have me chills to my bones. I just had one turn off about the band. Their lead singer was a whore. Okay, so maybe he only told Lee to come listen to his music, but in my terms. That counted as a player. I may be over reacting, but isn't every teenage girl?

I hadn't told Lee about my whole engagement with Ezra, but only because I wanted to keep the memories to my self.

At that moment, I wanted to listen to 'Wet Hair'. The name of the band made me cringe because of the negative connotation that came with it. I decided that I was gonna go to his house and listen.

I got out of the house and started walking. As soon as I rounded the corner, I heard their music. As creepy as it sounds, I lurked up to their garage and hid. I hadn't thought of why I was going to do if he actually say me.

I just stayed behind the wall of the garage and listened. I was having eargasms from their music. If I knew what sex felt like, it would feel like this... But to my ears.

"Look! That was the lady that hit her P-P on the pole!" A little boy cried.

I slowly turned in horror to see a the demon child pointing his scrawny little finger at me. Next to him stood Ezra. I stated in shock.

"What are you doing behind my garage?" He questioned me. I froze. I never expected to be put in this position. And then, I let the shit poor out of my mouth.

"If you haven't noticed young sir, that I am indeed fine and that spreading of such outrageous stories is prohibited in America. It is clearly stated in section 2 paragraph 5 of the Speech Liberation, that thou shall not speak of any other persons genitals being corrupted by a pole. It goes on staring that if someone breaks the code, they may be prosecuted " I directed towards the snot nosed loser child. His face went pale and his hand clenched to Ezra's.

I then turned my head toward Ezra and saw an amused smirk on his face.

"And to your absurd question about me loitering behind your garage is misdirected. I believe that the true questions is, why are behind your garage?" I concluded, questioning Ezra. At first he looked puzzled but then he grinned.

"Come on kid. Looks like I'm not allowed to behind my garage. Lets go." He said, speaking to the goat kid.

"That won't be necessary. I will leave instead. I see that my business here is finished. Good day and good music." I stated nodding my head.

"Sweetheart, you know you can stay right? I enjoy your company." He cried out to me.

'Yeah I bet that's what you say to all te girls, you whore.' I thought. Although I was upset that he probably just used the same line he used on every girl, I still decided to stay. If Ezra couldn't give me sexual satisfaction, I'll let his music do it for me.

I followed him into the garage and watched as he ushered the boy into the house. I took a seat on the couch and let them give me eargasms. I decided that this was the closest I'd ever be to any type of sexual orientation. Not that I minded. I don't think that getting STD's was a good career path for me.

I watched as Ezra's muscular arms played the guitar. His hair was flopping around from him nodding his head up and down to the music. By the end of his second song , he had a line of sweat on his forehead. I think he is the only person that could make sweat look good.

I had to stop my thoughts because I was getting horny again.

By the end of their fifth song they called a break. I watched as the lead singer approached me. I got butter flies in my stomach, but I stopped them by punching my stomach.

"What was that for?" Ezra asked, gesturing to my punch.

"Spams. You know. I get them a lot." I lied. Ezra nodded his head.

"You're different." He stated looking into my eyes. It felt like such a sensual moment, but I felt extremely awkward and tried to say something to clear the air.

"When I was younger, all my teachers were convinced that I had a mental disorder, so my mom took me to a psychologist," I blurted out. I bit my lip and looked at him. I then realized that it probably looked sexual so I stopped.

"You are something else, but I like that." He commented placing my hair behind my ear. I just looked at him with my mouth wide opened.

Was this it? Was I finally going to get my first kiss? I wasn't going to be stupid again so I kept my eyes wide opened as he inched closer. I had learned my lesson. No closing eyes when you're in aware of the situation.

He went towards my lips, maybe a centimeter close, bit then bee lined for my ear.

"See you around, green eyes." He then promptly got up, and walked in side his house. I was still in his garage with his band mates.

I believe that was my rude que to leave. With my mouth gaping open with disbelief, I stood up and walked out of the garage, walking home. I felt like every advancements toward Ezra made me move back 10,000 steps.

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