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During autumn, the only thing you'd see me do is stomp my way through the red, orange and yellow leaves. It was a hobby really. I would jump from pile of leaves to pile of leaves. So, as every other day, I was crushing my way through the sidewalk. I was humming 1901 by Phoenix, happily. Stopped humming momentarily, to blow a warm breathe out of my mouth. As I watched my breathe in the air, I heard a faint sound of music.

I went with my gut and decided to follow the music. Though it seemed like a good idea, I kept imagining that this was a trap and someone was about to come and grab me. I kept trailing after the music, letting my ear guide the way.

After a while, I came to stop in front of a garage. The boys immediately stopped playing their instruments and stared at me. All I could think of was how intense their stares were. Well this was awkward. I began to turn around when the lead singer stopped me.

"What you up to gorgeous?" Ezra asked. A slight tint of pink tinged my cheeks.

"I heard you're music and began to follow my ear until I got here. But I guess I'll be going..." I trailed off.

"Why don't you stay and listen? We could use another person's opinion. Our parents just nod their heads when we ask them." He stated, blowing his brown hair out of his eyes. I opened my mouth about to tell them that I couldn't, but I just stared off in to the distance asking myself what the harm was. I watched as Ezra came up to  me. His hand came up to my chin and I was paralyzed. I didn't know what to do. I just watched as he slowly closed my mouth.

"You've been standing with you're mouth open for a couple minutes. I couldn't allow that fly get in to your mouth, now could I?" He said gesturing to the fly a couple feet away from me. I just stared at him wide-eyed. Ezra smirked at me and turned and walked back in to the garage. 

"You guys wouldn't mind her staying, right?" He questioned. His band mates nodded and mumbled that it was fine.

"You see sweet heart? We all want you here." Ezra added. He then gestured to the couch near the back of the garage. I just nodded my head and made my way to the back. I was so scared that this was going to be the moment  when they took me into the house and rape and kill me. But nothing happened. I just sat and listened. 

By the end of the the song, Ezra turned to me.

"What do you think?" He asked. I cleared my throat and gushed.

"That was amazing. I love every last piece of the song, but I have an idea." I Babbled. Ezra just nodded to me.

"I was thinking that you should change you're first verse to something else like 'Got a little soul, The world is a cold, cold place to be, Want a little warmth, But who’s gonna save a little warmth for me?'" I stated. I was scared that they were going to completely reject my idea, but they stood there nodding in agreement. 

I started to bubble with happiness. They began to start singing again with my lyrics. When they finished, I jumped up and clapped for a long time.

"I know, I know, we're basically amazing." Ezra informed while moving his hand to try and and calm me. He then began to laugh hysterically. I didn't know what to do so I stood in the same place watching. I looked at the other band mates to see what they were doing. I watched them as they tuned their guitars while their friend was having a mentally break down. Is everyone here high? 

I cleared my throat trying to get Ezra's attention. He stopped laughing immediately and looked at me. He then began to smirk. I was beginning to get really creeped out so I began to leave.

"Where are you going?" Ezra asked at me. I gestured to behind me.

"Home." I called out. He then waved his hand back and forth attempting to make me come back. I looked back at him. He had his hair styled messily, and had a white button down rolled to his elbows. He looked amazing. 

I sighed and made my way back. 

"Do you think we're good enough to get to the big screen?" Ezra questioned me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I love you're music but I can't say that everyone else will." I then turned my eyes to the drums and saw the name written of the center.

"Wet Hair?" I asked " Why would you name your band that?"  Ezra had pink flush to his cheeks and he started to laugh.

"I didn't know what to call the band and I decided to name it the next thing I saw. At that time, my ex-girlfriend walked by with her wet hair and I decided that Wet Hair was original enough so it kind stuck." He said sheepishly. I felt a twist in my stomach wondering why his girlfriend had wet hair. Did they just have sex and she decided to take a shower? I began to think of how Ezra would look with his shirt off and how muscular we would be. I then decided that I did need to get a boyfriend. I was getting to horny for my own good. 

I looked back up at Ezra. He was smiling at me.

"Do you want me to walk you home." He asked.

"No, I don't need another stalker." I said without thinking. I then realized what I said and I immediately slapped my hands to my mouth. I can't believe I said that to such a hot guy. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled through my hands. He started laughing at me.

"Come on, I promise I wouldn't memorize the way to your house." He added jokingly. I blushed and began to walk by his side. Every now and then his arm would brush up against mine making my arm tingle. Just kidding, my arm didn't tingle because it's not possible, though I did feel very nervous. I was stomping in the leaves again and I heard Ezra snort.

"Watch where you're going, tractor." He cautioned to me. I gave him a questioning look. I turned my head straight and then collided with a pole. I began to stumble back until I tripped on my own feet. Ezra caught me with ease and smirked.

"Are you okay their?" He questioned.

'Yes, only because I  know what it feels like to be in your arms,' I wanted to say but I didn't. Instead I just nodded my head yes.

"My house is right down the street," I added, Gesturing to house with the red door. He nodded his head and walked me up the stairs we stood in front of my door and I could feel the tension rolling off each other. I was beginning to lean forward until he patted my shoulder, smiled, and left. I just stood by my door, gaping at him. What the hell was that?

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