I Stand Corrected

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The next day, I woke up early and decided that today was a good day to go to the jungle gym. I smiled to myself thinking about the wind in my hair as I swung on the swing,

I pulled on my wool socks and boots and headed to the kitchen. I saw that my mom had left pancakes and I indulged in the chocolate-flour breakfast yummies. After eating 36 pancakes, I left my house and walked to the kids playground. 

As I approached the play set, I thanked the lord that no kids were there. I raced over to the swings and swung back and forth. As I got higher to the sky, I watched as the sun rose. It was beautiful. I could see the pinks, orange and blue in the sky. The air was cold and it nipped at my cheeks. 

After a while of swinging, I decided to go on the monkey bars. As I child, I had mastered all the tricks of the bars. As dirty as that sounds, it was actually really fun. I always felt like a gymnast at heart when I was on the monkey bars. 

I decided that I was gonna test my skills again and came to face the monkey bars. I put my hands on the bar and swung from bar to bar. I was actually very proud of my self as I climbed from bar to bar. After while, I felt the need to close my eyes and swing. Right as I opened my eyes, I saw a pole collide in between my legs and I felt a shot of pain in my vagina.

My hands fell from the bars and I was laying on the ground, head throbbing, and vagina pulsing. I climbed over to the pebbles and tried to cool my vagina region the cold rocks. 

"Look mommy, that lady hurt herself. Why is she putting rocks on her P-P?" A young boy asked. A surprised gasp left my mouth and I got up and limped away. 

For the first time ever, I was not crunching through the leaves. I just raced home and tried not to think about the pain between my legs. If this was what it felt like to loose my virginity, I was never gonna loose it. I will never succumb myself to this pain purposely. 

I wobbled through the side walk thinking to myself of how I could never go back to that play set ever again. I walked through the door of my house and hobbled over to the fridge and got an ice pack. I walked up the stairs to my room and laid on the bed with my icepack on my crotch. I finally knew what relief felt like.

I called Lee and told her what happened. After she stopped laughing at me, she came over to my house. 

"Okay, how did this...." Lee trailed off looking at my crotch. She then burst into laughter at the ice pack. 

"Shut-up. I'm probably infertile now. All my dreams of having children are gone because I decided to be a little kid again. Do you see what immaturity leads too? You're vagina being smashed by a metal pole!" I shouted. I blew my brown hair out of my face and glared at Lee. She looked at me sincerely, but then erupted in an all new kind of laughter again.

"I can not believe that you're this stupid. Really, what is wrong with you?" She questioned me. 

"I wanted to be a gymnast." I said quietly. She laughed at me and sat next to me on my bed. 

After watching Supernatural for a couple of hours, we went on to Lee's Facebook. As we were scrolling through the page, we saw Ezra's band, Wet Hair, performing the song they sang to me. We clicked on the link and listened. To my surprise, they used my lyrics. I got all giddy inside and Lee decided to leave a comment. 

'Just wanted to say that your music is pretty awesome, and that you're insanely hot.' Before I could argue about her saying the last part, she clicked enter and her comment ended up on the page. After a minute or two, Ezra commented back to Lee.

'Thanks beautiful, maybe you should come by and listened to us sometime.' Lee became all giggly and happy that he invited her, but all I felt was dull. I thought Ezra liked me. I guess he didn't. It explains why he didn't kiss me on my front porch. 

I tried to ignore the fact that it bothered me that he invited Lee. By the time Lee left, I was in my bed alone thinking of how to handle the situation. And then I decided to just leave everything alone.

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