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        "I wrote a song about my ex-girlfriend. Can you look over it?" Ezra asked me. 

          We were both sitting on in his room. I had been at his house for over an hour and we had begun talking about his music career.  He had told me about how he had so many rough drafts for songs and I had offered to look over them for him. I just didn't expect to be editing his  love songs. I felt a constriction in my gut. My smile faltered.

        "Sure." I answered. I felt weak but my voice came out strong. Ezra smiled at me and handed over the crumpled sheet of paper. I began to peer at his work. The only phrase I was able to catch was 'here comes the feeling you thought you'd forgotten'. I felt sick. He was declaring his love for his girlfriend. The worst part was, I thought that me and him had a chance. I felt extremely pathetic. 

        I looked up from the paper for a second. Ezra gazed at me smiling.

        "Do you think it would help if you heard the song?" He questioned me. I gave a slight nod. I had no idea why I kept torturing myself like this. Ezra stood up from his bed and walked over to his book shelf and picked up the guitar. He began to sing. Though I hated that the song was about her, I had to admit, it was a good song.

      But then I heard him say the phrase that made me fall in love with this song. I smiled and nodded my head to the music.

        "Oh you had it but oh no you lost it." He sang. The song wasn't his decleration for his love for her. It was a song about getting over her. How she had a chance with him but she ignored it. When he finished the song, I stood and clapped. He smiled and took a bow.

        "I knew you'd like that song." He exclaimed. I laughed and nodded.

        "Yeah, it was way better than what I thought it would be." I replied. I looked at the clock and realized that it was after seven.

        "I better go. My mom has this strict rule about everybody eating dinner at 7:30 and well, that time is aproaching fast." I said. Ezra laughed. 

        "I'll walk you to the door then." He said and gestured towards his bedroom door. As we were passing the hallway, his younger brother popped his heasd out of his bedroom.

        "Ugh good, The Pole dancer is leaving." He said. My mouth dropped. This child did not act his age. 

        "Um excuse me, what makes you think that I'm a pole dancer?" I questioned.

        "Z said that pole dancers move their bodies against poles and you hit your P-P on the pole so  you are a pole dancer." Hew stated matter-of-factly. I looked at Ezra. He was sheepishly smiling at me.

        "I was watching We're the Millers and he walked in and I had to explain as much as I could while preserving his innocence." Ezra said. I glared.

        "This child has no innocence." I excalimed moving my arms out. Okay, so I admit that I was harsh with my words but the truth is, that's better than what I did next. As my arms were waving in the air, they came into contact with the child's face.

         This kid started wailing. His face was red, his blue eyes were blood-shot with tears streaming out of his eyes like fireworks. Ugh and his nose had snot popping like bubbles. It was a nasty site to see but through all the ugliness, I felt bad. Not because I hit him but beacuse I knew that Ezra probably didn't want to date a girl that abuses his younger brother. I watch Supernatural enough to know that once you've taken a hit on the younger sibling, you're relationship is basically doomed. 

        "I'm so sorry. Do you need help with getting ice or something?"I asked hoping to heal some of the damage. The kid started sobbing evn harder.

        "Um, I think it would be best if you went home. He won't calm down for a while now. I had a great ti-" Ezra was interrupted by his brother wailing. Ezra turned his attention back to his brother. I took that as my que to leave. I practically ran out of the house as if a cheetah was chasing me.


        When I got home, I got in trouble for being late to dinner so in punishment, I had to eat alone. Which I didn't mind to much. I didn't feel like talking about how me and a boy I was never dating broke up. None of my family would understand. But I knew who would.


        "Okay so lemme get this straight. You punched his little brother in the face?!" Lee asked. I had decided to tell her about me and Ezra. Hah. I say that as if we were a couple. Which we aren't nor will we ever be since I screwed up the chances by abusing his brother.

        I nodded my head. She gave me a horrified look.

        "Kay, I knew you were capable of murder, but this! I have never been more apalled." She excalimed. I gave her a grimace.

        "Well what do you want me to say?"She questioned.

        "That I'm totally over reacting and that everything will be fineand that this punch was a minor set back." I said quickly. Lee laughed. and nodded her head.

        "Maybe he's still into you. But to be honest, don't be surprised if you never talk again." She stated. I threw a pillow at her. She caught it.

        "Abusive towards children and your best riend, when will your reign of terror end?" She questioned. We both fell into a fit of giggles.

        Lee left about an hour later. As soon as I closed the door behind her, I got a text.

        "Sorry my brother got in the way of your fist." I laughed at how charming this boy could be. I guess our realtionship wasn't doomed after all.

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