Time to Say Goodbye

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This is it. This is the last part of our story. So here goes nothing.
"I know I love you..." He sang.

I was at his garage listening to Wet Hair rock out. I was still upset that he hadn't changed his band name but I couldn't really argue with him. Mainly because everybody knew them by their band name. It would just be difficult if he changed it.

"...but only water contains a little drop for me." He finished.

"Okay guys. Let's take 5. " He shouted. Ezra came and plopped done next to me on his old couch.

"I know that our band name bothers you, so we," he gestured to his other band mates, "Have decided to change the name. So let's figure one out right now."

I looked at him, shocked.

"Um... I wasn't really expecting this." I said even though I totally wasn't. Ezra was the guy that wanted to please everyone. He just liked to tease in the beginning.

"Sure you were. So let's figure this out. What's your favorite thing?" he asked.

I put my finger on my chin and thought.

"Weekends?" I replied.

"Okay. Weekend. The Weekends. Nah. It needs something else. Gimme something to work with." He said.

I laughed.

"Vampires." I blurted.

"Ohh. Into Twilight, are we?" he joked.

"No. I read Dracula last night so it was the first thing I thought of. " I replied.

"Weekend Vampires. Weekend for the Vampires. Vampires of Weekends?" he kept mumbling names under his breathe.

"Vampire Weekend you damn doorknob." Rostam, Ezra's band mate, shouted. I snorted through my nose.

"VAMPIRE WEEKEND! That's it! This is the new name." Ezra shouted. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

He stood up and began practice again


So this is it my friends. The end of our short love story. It's not extraordinary but it's ours. And I love that. This is the time to say goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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