White Sky

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In the beginning, most of Ezra’s songs were gibberish. For example, I was listening to a CD he had given me in the car with my mother. In the middle of me humming to his song, my mother interrupted me to ask if the song was in english. So there you go, point made. 

Ezra’s strange lyrics have no point to our story, I just felt the need to put it out there. Just because every story needs a little extra spice in it. 

But I will give you a piece that is useful to our story. Ezra loved to drag me around to events and parks and many other places. Except for movies, for some reason, he did not like movies. I guess it was becuase movies usually take your imagination away, something that books and music can’t do. 

Now may I remind you that these “outings”  were not dates. A date is when it ends in a kiss. Or at least that’s my definition of a date. Either way, he hasn’t kissed me so, in conclusion, we haven’t went on a date.

Anyhow,  this is how the beginning of our actual relationship started. 


My phone was buzzing like crazy. Before I was given a chance to answer my bedroom door slammed open. Ezra’s tall structure stood in my door way, his phone in hand next to his ear. I answered my phone

“Hello.” I said while staring at him.

“I’ve been calling you all morning. We have places to go, people to see. AND it’s already 8 a.m.!” Ezra exclaimed. Okay so usually I would've been up by now because I generally can’t sleep when the suns out, but last night was supernatural marathon so I went to bed by 3 in the morning.

“Where are we going today?” I asked in a tired voice. Ezra hung up his phone and started walking towards my bed.

“How rude. I was hunt up on?” I declared. Ezra only rolled his eyes.

“Come on Azerbaijan.” He shouted while pulling me out of bed.

“What? That doesn’t even make sense!” I pointed out. Ezra shrugged his shouldres.

“It rhymed so it had to work. Anyways, WE are going to an art museum. It has free admission so I’m taking advantage of that. And art inspires my music.” He said. I just nodded my head and stood up. Ezra left my room so that I could get ready, even though all I did was put on a sweater and mascara. And well of course my pants and shoes. 

I met Ezra down stairs and we left my house, on our way to the museum. 


The museum was walking distance from  my house. Where I live was once owned by wealthy men and women. Well most of the properties had been sold to make neighborhoods, but one women,  Alexandra Tsrayova, donated her house to the city. In return, they made it a museum of art in her name.  

 We were walking through one of the hallways when me and Ezra turned and looked at one piece. It was simple painting, A sky with white clouds, but the way it was illustrated made it so attractive.

“Look how beautiful it is. It’s simple. Just a white sky. Just… beauty.” He said. He took my hand. My breathing hitched, my lungs were painfully stuck. My heart felt like a dead weight in my chest. I hated when he teased me. I hated when he would pretend to kiss me, or be affectionate because I knew that nothing was happening. Nothing was going to happen. 

I turned my head to look at him. Ezra was already looking back. I slid my hand out of his and I could see the look of rejection fill his face. He took his thumb and rubbed a crease between my eye brows. I took his hand and set it to his side.

“I don’t like being teased. It hurts me when you touch me  like that and then brush me aside. ” I said. He frowned and brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. I grabbed his hand.

“Please. Stop.” I whispered. My heart was heavy and my throat was aching to sob. I liked him too much. Too much for my own good. Ezra held on to my hand and rubbed his thumb against the back of my palm.

“You don’t understand. You make sense to me. Your simple and beautiful. I like to be with you. Ever since I’ve been spending time with you, my lyrics have been making more sense,” He said. I took my hand from his grasp.

“it’s not the same thing. I like to spend time with you, but for different reasons-” I was cut off by Ezra pulling my chin towards him. His hand curled behind my back and it felt as if he was trying to grasp more parts of me. I was shocked. My arms were against my body and I didn’t move a muscle. I didn’t dare to breathe. 

“I like you.” He breathed. He then pulled my chin towards his face and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

“Do you understand now?” He asked. I nodded my head.

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