Author's Note

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Thanks for giving my story a try. Please note that this story is for a mature audience. I don't have an age restriction but read if you think you're old enough to handle it.

I only have the first five chapters of this book available on Wattpad due to exclusivity restrictions. You can still read the entire book on Dreame by clicking the link on my profile. (You'll need coins to read it on Dreame as it is now a paid read. I'm sorry for any inconvenience that may cause you).

Volume 2 is free on Wattpad and you can find it on my profile. It's pretty much a continuation of volume 1 but also standalone. You don't need to read volume 1 to be able to read volume 2. I'll start posting new chapters of Volume 2 on November 1st, 2018. Hope to see you guys then.

Love you all so much.

Vampire Brothel {Explicit Content}Where stories live. Discover now