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When Yoongi returned to his dorm he was ready to have a breakdown. His mind was racing and his thoughts where a haze. Taehyung's words from earlier were still running through his mind

"If you need me just throw me a text and don't be afraid to call okay?" His eyes skim across the room until they land on his phone, haphazardly thrown on his bed. He takes a step to grab it before he stops

You just met him. If you put all this on him now he's gonna think you are fucked up in the head. In a way you are, going to almost complete strangers for help on your stupid bullshit "problems". You're pathetic.

Shut up, I know that already. I don't deserve the help. I'm pathetic enough as it, seeking attention with my stupid excuses and reasons.

He strides over to his phone and without even thinking he holds the power button and selects the power off option before throwing it back down not caring where it landed or if it got broken.

Your "parents" should have just left you how you were before. On the streets. Where you belonged, oh wait no, scrap that, STILL BELONG. You should still be on the grotty streets getting into fights over food and sleeping space, waking up every morning and wondering when you will be able to eat, always having bruises and cuts and scrapes, never knowing anything for definite. You should have resisted when those two tried to bring you in but no you went willingly following them with all the naivety of a puppy. I guess you got what was coming to you in the end though.

Yoongi lived life on the streets. At 7 years old he was already well versed in self-defense and was actually well known in his area of town. Everyday was a constant battle, the lone wolves against the gangs, the children against the adults and everyone for themselves. On the streets people are like monsters, they will do anything to survive. It was one particuallarly bad day when he met THEM.

He had been awoken abruptly by the sound of sirens so his immeadiate thought was to run, if they caught him he wouldn't make it. The same thing had been drilled into his head for years by the elders, "If you hear sirens, run. They just want to hurt you." Grabbing the small backpack he had won in a duel not long back he dashed down the alley just before he was noticed by the rapidly approaching men. Not being fully awake he hadn't noticed the rock and he had tripped ripping up his exposed knees and hands but he didn't have time to inspect the damage, he had to keep running. He knew the area well, having been in that particular place for too long. 'I need to move today.' The elders had also taught him to keep moving as staying in one place for too long will get you caught. Once he was sure that he wasn't being followed Yoongi slowed his pace to a walk thinking about where he could go next. Without thinking he turned into the next alley in hopes that he could catch some extra sleep as he hadn't slept well the previous night and travelling on pretty much no sleep was basically suicide in his opinion. Breifly looking around he couldn't spot any signs of immeadiate danger, there were a few empty cans lying around as well as a knife but that didn't raise any alarm within Yoongi, people have to leave stuff behind all the time so it wasn't unusual to find something like that down there. Placing his bag down on the floor in a small dark corner of the path so that it wasn't likely that he would be spotted or stepped on he lay down, closed his eyes and attempted to sleep. He was just drifting off when the sound of loud voices alerted him to the presence of mulitple men.

"Huh, why is there a fucking kid here?" One of them speaks with a slight slur in his voice, obviously the effects of whatever had previously been in the cans that were scattered around the area. "Boss, come look, there's a fucking kid here. Can't be more than 12. What do we do?" The same voice pipes up and after hearing footsteps approach him Yoongi shoots up. 

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