1. Full Seats

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Hey guys! As promised, I would start a new X Abused! Series, this time the character is Italy! Next time will be England as you guys suggested, but the first vote was Italy! Sorry this chapter is kind of short, I'll try get the next chapter quicker.

The picture above isn't mine

I hope you enjoy!


The rain poured down from the sky onto the busy streets, it was early afternoon. It was always busy like this, people made their way to their destination, including yourself. Your certain destination was the local café. It was your favourite place. Your only escape. As you entered the door, you pulled down your hood and took of your coat. It was nice and warm in the café, unlike outside.

You hung your coat on the coat rack and turned round to look at the row of tables. All of them were full. Even the table in far corner, where you normally sat, was taken. You sighed slightly, it was to early to go home, far to early. You had to spend the time you had free while you could. You noticed a table that wasn't as full as the others. There was only one person sat at it. It was a male with auburn hair, he also had a strange curl. Surely he wouldn't mind if you sat with him for a little while. You walked up to his table and cleared your throat.

"Um.. Excuse me?" You said shyly, making the man lift his head from the book he was reading. "Do you mind if I sit with you? All the other seats are full.." He gave you a friendly smile.

"Sure! I don't mind raggaza!" He said with a thick Italian accent. You gave him a nervous smile back and sat down opposite him, laying your bag next to you. A waiter came over and asked you whether you wanted any food. You always ordered the same thing. Pasta. The man opposite looked up at you as the waiter walked away.

"You like pasta raggaza?" He asked curiously. You looked at him and nodded your head.

"Yeah, I get it every time I come here." You said. The man gave you a wide smile.

"Really! I love pasta! It's my favourite!" Something about his smile was comforting. "That's why I come here, they have really good pasta!" You nodded.

"Yeah, they do.." Somehow, you managed to start a conversation, from ordering pasta at a café.

"My name's Feliciano by the way! But you can call me Feli!" He said cheerful. You envied him.

"I'm (F/N), it's nice to meet you Feli." You smiled at him. Both of you talked for a while, about random things such as pasta, the weather, and some things you both had in common. This wasn't how you'd planned your day, but surprisingly, you didn't mind. You were having fun, until you noticed the time. You only had a couple of minutes till your curfew was up. You sighed as you looked down at your watch.

"Aww.. Do you have to go?" Feliciano asked. You gave a weak smile and grabbed your purse from your bag to pay for your pasta.

"Yeah, sorry.. I had fun speaking to your though." It was the only fun you'd had in months. Feliciano's smile perked up again.

"Hey I know! How about I meet you here tomorrow?" He suggested cheerfully. You smiled at him and nodded your head.

"Sure I'd like that!" You quickly paid for your food and ran out the café, giving your new friend a quick wave. Your last few moments of happiness for the day before going back home. Back to hell.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! I'd appreciate a comment or favourite, or maybe both? Thank you! I'll post the next part soon, and I'll try make it longer.


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