4. Explanation

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For once that didn't take ages! Well kind of. But today I have the day off school so I decided to post a chapter for you guys! I hope you enjoy and feedback is really appreciated! Thank you very much for reading and I hope you enjoy!


Feliciano was as confused as ever. Why was (F/N) hugging him? Not that he minded of course. But more importantly, why was she crying and injured?  Did someone attack her? If so, who? There weren't many people in the café so far, but it'd only a couple of minutes before it started to fill up. His first priority was to get her help. He could take her back to his house, he probably had a first aid kit somewhere. He had to just not panic, which was kind of hard considering that this was Feliciano.


The shakes that racked your body slowly died down as you clung to Feliciano. You gotten all your tears out and started to gradually feel a little better, though your body still hurt from the cuts and bruises. You both slowly pulled away from each other, Feliciano still looked slightly panicked, but tried to stay serious.

"(F/N), we have to get your wounds cleaned up, and you have to tell me how you got them!" He said placing a hand on your shoulder. But looked like his serious act dropped pretty quickly and he couldn't help but just be himself.  He gave you a warm smile. "Then we can come get pasta, okay?" He held out his hand for you to hold. You sniffed and wiped your eyes, nodding your head slightly.

"Okay.. You mumbled, taking his extended hand. Would you tell him the truth, or lie? You couldn't lie, not after all the trouble you'd now put him through. He was so kind..

He took you to his house, you knew he used to live with his brother, who he'd told you about a couple of times, but he moved out after he'd gotten too annoyed with his brother. You both entered through the door and Feliciano offered to take your coat. You took it off, but saw his eyes sadden at the sight, there was more blood stained on your shirt than on your coat.

You sat down on the couch while Feliciano went upstairs to get his first aid kit from the bathroom. When he came back down, you hesitantly rolled up your sleeves so he could treat your cuts and bruises. But he wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted him. There were more than he expected, and the whole time he was treating your wounds, he'd remained silent. Neither of you said a word. He tied the last bandage round your arm and packed away them away back into the first aid kit, finally deciding to speak.

"(F/N)?" He said, his head slightly dipped down. His voice wobbled slightly.

"Yeah?" You mumbled, you yourself didn't even have the courage to look in his eyes either.

"Who did this to you?" He asked simply, biting his lip to try stop himself from crying. You could feel his gaze on the cuts on your arms and legs. Some were worse than others, but they all hurt just as bad.

"M-My Ex Boyfriend.." You mumbled. You didn't want to even call that man your boyfriend. Boyfriends were meant to love their partners, not hurt them. He was no boyfriend. He was just the man you lived with, against your will. He kept you trapped.

Feliciano dipped his head down too. He muttered something under his breath, too low for you to hear. "What did you say?" You said looking up slightly.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" He said lifting his head. Was he.. angry? His eyes showed anger, but they also had tears in them, although he was angry, he couldn't help but still be a crybaby too.  You jumped back slightly in surprise.

"I-I'm sorry!" You stuttered. His expression weakened and he pulled you into a warm hug. He buried his face into the crook of your neck. 

"No I'm sorry.. I didn't notice! I could have tried harder, but I didn't!" He cried, letting tears fall down his cheeks. You couldn't help but cry too, you didn't want him to blame himself for the mess you'd gotten him into.  "You'll forgive me right?"

"It wasn't your fault, please don't blame yourself Feli.." You sobbed along with him and you felt his grip tighten. Both of you just hugged each other, both apologising, both crying. After a little while, you felt your body relax and your eyes droop. You'd already fallen asleep before you could hear what Feliciano was saying.

"Ti amo, (F/N)."


Feliciano set (F/N) back down on the couch and carefully set a blanket over her. He wiped his eyes and went to the kitchen. He'd have to stay positive from now on, for her. She just needed a happy environment, and some pasta of course. He smiled happily to himself as he gathered ingredients from his cupboards. Seems pasta was all he could make, since the only ingredients he had were used to make pasta. Next he was happily making pasta, humming a tune to himself.

He was going to cheer (F/N) up no matter what.


Thank you for reading, I think the next chapter is longer so you'll be able to read more and it'll be worth the wait I hope. I hope you enjoyed, please leave me a comment, thank you very much! Bye!

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